Tag: Israeli Voters

Israeli voters have been known to remain loyal to their political parties despite the campaigning efforts.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the recent Israeli elections, reflecting on the voters' sentiments and the future leadership under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu amidst legal challenges.
The podcast episode features a discussion with director Andrew Goldberg about his documentary "Viral: Antisemitism In Four Mutations."
"Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron talk about Benny Gantz's appeal to Israeli voters, comparing it to a scene from Notting Hill. They also discuss Netanyahu's shift to a positive campaign tone and the debate over government funding for ultra-Orthodox housing projects. In addition, they review the best and worst election ads, tweets, posts, and videos. The episode ends with a heartwarming anecdote about something that happened in Israel that brought smiles. Special segment available for Patreon supporters."
David A. Halperin and Michael Koplow discuss the conflict in Gaza and the U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan Heights, analyzing how these issues resonate with Israeli voters ahead of the Knesset election on April 9.
The text discusses the political challenges faced by Benny Gantz three weeks before the Israeli elections, with a focus on the analysis provided by Tal Shalev from Walla.
Allison, Don, and Noah address the recent Israeli elections, questioning the true message behind Netanyahu's apparent landslide victory and delving into the role of fear in the campaigns.
TLV1 is offering live coverage of Israel's elections with anchors Ilene Prusher and Gilad Halpern on Tuesday from 9-11 PM (Israel time) as exit polls are released and votes are counted, featuring correspondents at campaign headquarters and special reports on voter issues.