Tag: Neri Zilber

In this episode, journalist Neri Zilber interviews Col. (res.) Dr. Michael Milshtein to discuss the recent wave of terror attacks in Israel.
In this episode, the hosts discuss Israel's involvement in the Ukraine war and Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's unexpected mediation efforts.
In this discussion, Tel Aviv-based journalist Neri Zilber hosts Jerusalem Post military correspondent Anna Ahronheim and Times of Israel military correspondent Judah Ari Gross as they share their experiences covering the military beat in Israel.
Turkey and Israel were once close allies, with Turkey being the first Muslim-majority country to recognize Israel.
In this podcast episode, journalist Neri Zilber discusses several important stories in Israel with guests Michael Koplow and Shira Efron.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, also known as Bibi, is currently in talks with the attorney general regarding a potential plea deal to resolve his corruption trial.
In 2021, Israel experienced significant events such as a change in leadership with the end of the Netanyahu era, a war in Gaza, inter-communal riots, and a reset in U.S.-Palestinian relations.
In this episode, journalist Neri Zilber hosts military correspondent and defense analyst Amos Harel to discuss how Israel's security policies have changed since Benjamin Netanyahu left office.
Israel Policy Pod is a podcast by Israel Policy Forum, a nonprofit organization focused on promoting a two-state solution for Israel to ensure its future as a Jewish, democratic, and secure state.
In a recent discussion, journalist Neri Zilber and political reporter Tal Schneider analyze the passing of the state budget in Israel, a significant achievement for the Bennett-Lapid coalition.
In this episode, journalist Neri Zilber interviews Avi Issacharoff, co-creator of the popular Israeli TV show Fauda, which has brought the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to the forefront.
In a discussion about the state of Israel's new government, journalist Neri Zilber speaks with Tal Shalev, a political correspondent for Walla News.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber explores the parallels between the American withdrawal from Afghanistan and Israel's experiences in Southern Lebanon and Gaza.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber and Michael Koplow analyze the current crises in Jerusalem and Gaza and the persistent political stalemate in Israel.
In this article, Neri Zilber, a Washington Institute Adjunct Fellow, discusses the current situation with the Palestinians.
In this episode, Eli Kowaz discusses Israel's upcoming March elections with Neri Zilber.
In this podcast episode, Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz talk to journalist Neri Zilber about the recent resumption of security, civil, and economic ties between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
In this discussion, Neri Zilber, an Israeli journalist and Washington Institute Adjunct Fellow, explores the recent political developments in Israel.
With the Israeli elections approaching, the possibility of a right-wing majority under Netanyahu or a coalition led by Benny Gantz is debated.
Neri Zilber discusses the Palestinian Authority Security Force (PASF) in a conversation with Eli and Evan, dispelling misconceptions about its role.