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Dusting Off the Old Stories

JL;DR SUMMARY Richard Kreitner reviews Adam Jortner's book "A Promised Land," which recasts early American Jewish history by integrating more evidence-backed narratives. A way out west there was a fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude. Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. And a lot about where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'.

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Jewish HistoryCitizenshipAmerican RevolutionJews In AmericaCommunity ContributionsHaym SalomonAdam JortnerPatriot ForcesTory Torah

Places mentioned

Savannah, Georgia, United States
"In Savannah, Georgia, Mordecai Sheftall ran the ad hoc revolutionary committee that ended up serving as a provisional government."
Georgia, United States
"A pamphleteer in Georgia argued that Jews entered politics only to pursue their pecuniary interest, the principle of lucre being the life and soul of all their actions."
New York, United States
"Although he celebrates the self-chosen exodus of many Jews from New York as British forces took it over in the summer of 1776, Jortner also notes that many did not flee."
Connecticut, United States
"Readers may be familiar with the story of Shearith Israels hazzan, Gershom Mendes Seixas, carrying the synagogues Torah scrolls into exile, first to rural Connecticut and then to Philadelphia."
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
"Readers may be familiar with the story of Shearith Israels hazzan, Gershom Mendes Seixas, carrying the synagogues Torah scrolls into exile, first to rural Connecticut and then to Philadelphia."
Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States
"Only, nearly thirty pages later, all we get is a brief mention of supposed evidence of crypto-Jewish practices in twentieth-century Santa Fe."
South Carolina, United States
"A letter in a South Carolina newspaper blamed Jews for amassing ill-got wealth as well as for dastardly turning their backs upon the country, when in danger, which gave them bread and protection."
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