
Two synagogues in the Dagestan region of Russia were targeted in a coordinated terror attack on houses of worship, alongside churches.
The YouTube video features Rebbetzin Libbi Kakon discussing the treatment of disabled children by society.
Rabbi Garfield and Rabbi Schonfeld delve into the topic of mental health stigmas alongside Dr. Yossi Shafer PhD in a podcast episode.
Brick Lane's iconic Beigel Shop in London's East End is set to reopen after a family dispute over property ownership and rents led to its closure for over four months.
A day in the life of a busy Orthodox Jewish mom includes a Costco grocery haul, baby updates, cooking bone broth and tacos, and sharing homemaking tips in this YouTube video.
Hebrew Union College's decision to admit and ordain students in interfaith relationships marks a significant shift in American Judaism, acknowledging the reality of the community it serves.
Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum has led Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, the largest LGBTQ+ synagogue in the nation, for 32 years and has built it into a thriving inclusive community advocating for social justice.
The upcoming primary battle in New York's 16th district between Rep. Jamaal Bowman and centrist George Latimer is significant for Israel's position within the Democratic Party.
Exploration of the settlement history of Jews in Bordeaux, France from the 4th to the 19th century in preparation for a Kosher River Cruise, without overt promotional content.
Tracy Brazg's essay in the Seattle Times highlighted her experiences as a progressive Zionist feeling isolated due to the polarized discourse surrounding Israel-Palestine conflicts.
Ryan Warsofsky has become the NHL's first Jewish head coach in 32 years, leading the San Jose Sharks, making him the youngest active coach in the league.
Despite facing challenges and uncertainties as LGBTQ+ Jews, the writer reflects on the fear of not belonging in both the Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities.
A panel discussion in Shiur 471 focuses on the topic of electricity on Shabbat and explores the implications for Shabbat observance.
In a discussion at the AJC Global Forum, Halie Soifer, CEO of the Jewish Democratic Council of America, and Morgan Ortagus, former Spokeswoman for the Department of State in the Trump administration, debated the impact of the 2024 U.S. presidential election on the global Jewish community and Israel.
In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech during a time of intense turmoil, like the current challenges faced by the Jewish community.
In this article, the author recalls their youthful fashion choices and their evolution into a more practical style as a mother.
The podcast episode "Bibi's House of Cards" explores the growing rifts in Israel's ruling coalition, particularly between Benjamin Netanyahu, the White House, and the military, questioning if the government can stay united until the critical deadline of July 28.
The latest episode of the podcast "Kiss and Tell" discusses the common trope of Hasidic women leaving their communities for queer self-discovery, focusing on Sara Glass's memoir "Kissing Girls on Shabbat."
A woman shares her emotional and challenging journey through infertility and the lack of support she felt from the Jewish community while trying to conceive.
Dorot, a Jewish nonprofit in NYC, known for alleviating loneliness among seniors, faced financial challenges post-COVID despite a temporary revenue spike in 2021 due to pandemic relief funds.
The Nova Music Festival massacre exhibit memorializing the tragic event where Hamas infiltrators killed 370 festival-goers has drawn over 100,000 visitors in its two-month run in Lower Manhattan, with increased attendance following a pro-Palestinian protest outside.
Shany Granot-Lubaton and her husband Omer Lubaton-Granot came to NYC hoping to escape Israeli politics but instead found themselves leading a protest movement there.
Jews have a long history in Arab countries, predating the Arab conquests.
The article discusses a story of a young man in captivity in Moldova after being caught trying to smuggle narcotics disguised as dog food in a desperate attempt to earn $500.
In addressing the growing issue of social isolation and loneliness highlighted by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the Jewish community can draw on the wisdom of Hillel's teaching to not separate oneself from the community.

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