
The article reflects on the impactful Jewish political legacy of the late Senator Joe Lieberman, who saw his Jewish identity as a lever for positive change in the world, advocating for a Judaism that was public yet non-partisan.
Archeologists have unearthed parts of the Great Synagogue of Vilna, the historic center of Lithuanian Jewish life destroyed by the Nazis and Soviets.
In this episode, the speaker reflects on how his father maximized opportunities in Atlanta's Jewish community and his significant involvement in the Skylab re-entry project.
In Season 4 of Babylon Berlin, the series introduces a Jewish subplot, featuring Abe Gold (formerly Avrum Goldstein) and his Orthodox Jewish family in Berlin.
The video features the remarkable story of Marthe Cohn, a French Jewish woman who served as a spy in Nazi Germany during World War II, sharing her experiences of crossing enemy lines and providing crucial intelligence to the French Army while posing as a German nurse.
Artist Leon Fenster has created a 9-story mural on the wall of the Jewish Community Centre London, depicting a grand tableau of Jewish life in London across centuries.
Allison Fishman Task, a life coach, discusses spirituality and its distinction from religion in her work.
The text discusses the inappropriate comparisons of President Trump to Hitler, highlighting the dangers of such rhetoric and the dehumanization it promotes.
A group of Wikipedia editors and administrators criticized the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for its reliability on issues related to Israel, Zionism, antisemitism, and hate symbols.
The text compares the mission of Chabad with Centrist Orthodoxy in understanding the purpose of Jewish practice as creating a dwelling place for God in the physical world.
The video delves into the historical connection between Jews and Israel, exploring various Jewish communities' origins and their deep ties to the land throughout different periods in history.
The second annual Borscht Belt Festival, organized by the Borscht Belt Museum in the Catskills, will feature comedy, food, music, and storytelling from July 26-28.
"Irena's Gift: An Epic World War II Memoir of Sisters, Secrets, and Survival" by Karen Kirsten explores the experiences of Polish Jewish survivors and their descendants, shifting the focus from survivors to their progeny.
The essay discusses the need for mourning and healing in the Jewish community following the October 7 massacre and parallels it with the concept of the Three Weeks leading up to Tisha B-Av.
The text explores the forgotten history of Jewish women involved in sex trafficking in the late 19th century, focusing on Bertha Pappenheim, also known as Anna O., who was a prominent figure in Freud's psychoanalytic studies.
The text does not provide specific information for summarization as it seems to be a placeholder or technical code for displaying a crossword puzzle related to an article titled "An Ancient Day of Mourning" on Hadassah Magazine.
This Week in Jewish History recounts significant events in the Jewish past, including the deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto by the Nazis in 1942 on Tisha B'Av, the breaching of Jerusalem's walls by the Romans in 69 C.E., and Moshe's destruction of the Golden Calf in 1312 BCE.
"Remnant of Israel: A Portrait of America's First Jewish Congregation" by Rabbi Marc Angel provides an insightful and accessible history of Shearith Israel, the oldest Jewish congregation in America, founded in 1654.
This personal narrative explores the intergenerational trauma stemming from a mother's survival of the Holocaust and its impact on the author.
Benjamin Till, a composer and advocate for British Jewish heritage, is working on a major musical composition called "The Jews of Britain" to narrate the 1000-year history of the British Jewish community.
Prof. Rotem Giladi's book, "Jews, Sovereignty, and International Law: Ideology and Ambivalence in Early Israeli Legal Diplomacy," delves into Israel's early relationship with international law and the influence of ideology on its stance.
Sonia Delaunay, a renowned artist known for her abstract and kinetic work, especially in fabric design, lived a life of simplicity and disguise.
The text describes a reflective journey of choosing a gravestone for a grandfather, navigating through different options like colors and sizes while contemplating personal beliefs and family desires.
The Jewish community in Andorra, consisting of 73 members, faces restrictions on officially calling their place of worship a synagogue due to local laws.
This video explores The Third Aliyah (1918-1921) period in Jewish history, discussing events such as the Faisal-Weizmann Agreement, the San Remo Conference, and various riots that occurred during this time.

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