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Getting to Know Trump’s Middle East Team

JL;DR SUMMARY As Donald Trump prepares to re-enter the political stage, his Middle East team consists of key figures with diverse backgrounds and roles. A way out west there was a fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude. Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. And a lot about where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'.

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Abraham AccordsMiddle EastU.S. Foreign PolicyDonald TrumpDiplomacyMike HuckabeeSteve WitkoffMassad BoulosAdam Boehler

Places mentioned

Florida, United States
"Witkoff was, in fact, next to Trump on the Florida golf course in September when the Secret Service discovered a would-be assassin hiding in the bushes with a loaded rifle."
"shape his future administrations policies toward Israel and the Middle East."
"On the other hand, he also has a record of deep business ties with Qatar and the UAE, which could either put into question his impartiality as a mediator or, on the flip side, make him a uniquely equipped negotiator with ties on all sides of the conflict."
United Arab Emirates
"On the other hand, he also has a record of deep business ties with Qatar and the UAE, which could either put into question his impartiality as a mediator or, on the flip side, make him a uniquely equipped negotiator with ties on all sides of the conflict."
"Boulos hit it off with his in-law Trump, and their personal friendship evolved this year into a political partnership."
Michigan, United States
"working to convince them to vote for Trump. Boulos, alongside others, succeeded in carrying out a seemingly impossible task: convincing Arab and Muslim voters to turn their back on the Democratic Party and cast their vote for a candidate who in the past sought to impose a ban on immigration from Muslim countries and who has sided time and again with Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians."
Bethlehem, Palestinian Territories
"Bouloss exact role is yet to be defined. But he has already met with Arab leaders, including Mahmoud Abbas, head of the Palestinian Authority, a move that indicates Trump would like to see his new senior adviser do with Arab leaders the same magic he has done with Arab voters in Michigan."
Arkansas, United States
"Mike Huckabee is a well-known figure in American political life. A former governor of Arkansas who once ran for the Republican Partys presidential nomination, Huckabee has used his pulpit as a leading Christian-evangelical preacher and political commentator to advance a pro-Israel, pro-settler worldview."
Jerusalem, Israel
"But Huckabee can look back at the tenure of Trumps previous ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, who used his position not only to represent the U.S. governments views but also to advance his own positions regarding Jerusalem, the settlements and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
"with Jared Kushner and his team, Boehler played an important role in turning the deals with the UAE and Bahrain into reality and in helping all sides forge business and trade relations, which have kept the Accords afloat even during the turbulent times that have engulfed the region."
New York, United States
"York, Huckabee expressed his outright support for Jewish presence in the West Bank, which he refers to as Judea and Samaria, and added that the greatest friends that the Jewish people and Israelis have are often those of us who are evangelical Christians."
"The UN may also be facing a critical moment regarding Iran, as the Islamic Republic speeds up its nuclear program and continues to support anti-American and anti-Israeli proxies in the region."

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