Daily Podcasts Video Research

Scott Galloway vs. the World

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JL;DR SUMMARY Scott Galloway discusses the media and geopolitical narratives surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, highlighting shifts in global perceptions of Israel as a brand and the role of social media platforms like TikTok. A way out west there was a fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski.

  • At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself.
  • This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude.
  • Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from.
  • But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me.
  • And a lot about where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'.
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HamasSocial MediaTiktokUniversity CampusesU.S. ElectionsBrand IsraelScott Galloway

Places mentioned

Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv District, Israel
"And I'm Unite Levy of Channel 12, still in Tel Aviv."
New Hampshire, United States
"this time in New Hampshire."
Florida, United States
"And Ron DeSantis of Florida is barely campaigning here."
Iowa, United States
"Donald Trump doesn't really do the sort of, you know, meet and greet in pancake houses, retail politics. He just swoops in in his jet, does a big rally and swoops out again. And it works for him. He did the same in Iowa, and he won that thumping majority there."
Texas, United States
"What would America do? Would people be calling on the White House to save the Monterey, the Playa del Carmen Hospital? Would they be calling for grace and truce of America? Do you realize what we would do to those people?"
Netivot, Southern District, Israel
"They launched dozens of rockets over the southern city of Netivot."
Gaza, Central District, Israel
"We are in the stage that has been much talked about, right? The third stage of the war in which fewer troops are in the Gaza Strip."
London, United Kingdom
"I'm Jonathan Friedland of The Guardian, usually in London."
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Retrieved 2025-01-08 05:31:17 UTC
Curated 2025-01-09 06:24:22 UTC