Tag: University Campuses

Student activists, particularly within Students for Justice in Palestine, are pushing for the incorporation of anti-Palestinian racism and the bolstering of Middle East and settler-colonial studies within university curricula.
The text discusses a growing anti-Jewish sentiment on American university campuses where identitarian groups and Islamists have formed an alliance under the guise of organizations like Students for Justice in Palestine, aiming to push Jews off campuses.
Dr. Harold Behr, a retired child psychiatrist, highlights that the current wave of student protests surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on university campuses reflects the adolescent need for certainty and belonging.
In response to a rise in antisemitism targeting British Jews on campuses following a terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan is actively engaging with educational institutions and the Jewish community to address the issue.
Campuses like the University of Virginia, typically politically quiet regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, have seen a surge in anti-Israel activity post-Oct.
Zachary Marschall, a Jewish conservative and editor-in-chief of Campus Reform, has emerged as a leading figure in filing Title VI campus antisemitism complaints since October 7, triggering numerous investigations across U.S. colleges.
Jewish students are facing a resurgence of anti-Semitism on university campuses, with incidents causing fear and concern for physical safety.
The discussion around free speech on college campuses is misleading, as college administrators have been selectively applying the First Amendment to suit their own agendas.
During a congressional hearing, the presidents of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and the University of Pennsylvania addressed the issue of antisemitism on their campuses.
In this article, the authors argue that while they condemn the expressions of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapters that support Hamas and engage in hateful rhetoric, they also defend their right to freedom of speech.
The author discusses the rise of anti-Zionism and antisemitism on American college campuses and highlights the failure of university leaders to unequivocally condemn the recent violence perpetrated by Hamas.
The article discusses the presence of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) on university campuses and argues that their activities often border on antisemitism.
Pro-Palestinian student groups on various American campuses, including Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), have been defending and supporting the recent Hamas terror attacks on Israel.
The increase in antisemitic incidents on university campuses is a concerning issue for Jewish students.
The Network of Engaged Canadian Academics (NECA) has been established to support Jewish professors facing antisemitism on university campuses, with founders Deidre Butler and Cary Kogan sharing personal experiences of anti-Israel and antisemitic incidents in their workplaces.
Rabbi Seth Winberg argues that getting drunk during Purim is dangerous and not a mitzvah.
"Anti-Zionism on Campus" edited by Andrew Pessin and Doron S. Ben-Atar discusses the rise of anti-Semitism disguised as anti-Zionism on American campuses, focusing on events such as a performance by rapper Tamer Nafar at Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies Conference.