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Trump’s Race Against the Clock 

JL;DR SUMMARY Donald Trump, having won the 2024 election with a strong mandate focusing on the economy and immigration, faces the critical transition period before inauguration, needing to finalize his cabinet and maintain an energized base. A way out west there was a fella, fella I want to tell you about, fella by the name of Jeff Lebowski. At least, that was the handle his lovin' parents gave him, but he never had much use for it himself. This Lebowski, he called himself the Dude. Now, Dude, that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But then, there was a lot about the Dude that didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. And a lot about where he lived, likewise. But then again, maybe that's why I found the place s'durned innarestin'.

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Republican PartyDonald TrumpCongressElectionTransitionMagaMandateCabinetTech GroupH1 B Visa

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Kentucky, United States
"longtime Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell likes to say about the consequences of elections, Winners make policy and losers go home."
Washington DC, United States
"the Oval Office clock starts ticking for Trump, the key question will be: Will he get to execute his mandate, or will he be dragged down by the competing interests and rival power bases that jockey for influence in every administration?"
Washington, Washington DC, United States
"It also requires the House and Senate. But Republicans hold a smaller majority in the House of Representatives in this Congress only four votes."
"What does it mean for our constitutional republic if technocrats with billions have unfettered access to our leaders while being cordial with adversaries like China and Iran?"
"What does it mean for our constitutional republic if technocrats with billions have unfettered access to our leaders while being cordial with adversaries like China and Iran?"

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