Tag: Baal Tanya

This episode delves into the historical complexities surrounding the unresolved dispute between Rabbi Avrohom Kalisker and the Baal HaTanya, questioning when to accept or reject stories as factual.
This podcast episode delves into the second arrest of the Baal Tanya, exploring how the Russian government's treatment of the Jewish community during that period influenced the event.
The text discusses the release of the Baal Tanya by the Russians and his subsequent second arrest, focusing on the reasons behind both events.
The Baal Tanya, a prominent figure in Jewish history, was arrested and imprisoned, sparking discussions about the theological disagreements between the Gra and Chassidus.
This podcast discusses various differences between Chassidus and Hisnagdus, such as their perspectives on Emuna, Bitachon, fulfillment of mitzvos, the role of intellect and emotions in Judaism, the origins of Chassidus, the beginning of real Hisnagdus, and the nature of opposition to Chassidic teachings.
This episode delves into the Vilna Gaon's criticism of Beshtian Chassidus, focusing on accusations of revealing explanations in Torah against Halacha and possible links to changes in prayer.