Jewish Law

In "Pantyhose Are Like Torahs," the author recounts a story from their youth about struggling to wear pantyhose, drawing parallels between the process of wearing them and handling Torah scrolls.
Dr. David Weiss, a professor visiting the Rebbe, ponders the question - Who Is Considered My Chassid?
Bear Bergman explores parenting through a Jewish lens in his new book "Special Topics in Being a Parent."
The text compares the mission of Chabad with Centrist Orthodoxy in understanding the purpose of Jewish practice as creating a dwelling place for God in the physical world.
Israel's defense ministry issued draft notices to Haredi men, following a court ruling against army exemptions for yeshiva students, prompting protests and tensions within the community.
In Parshas Pinchas, the Torah emphasizes the significance of counting Bnei Yisrael, highlighting two types of counting: a mere tally and a deeper, meaningful progression.
The text humorously explores the unique experience of using a Shabbat Elevator, a device operated on the Sabbath for observant Jews who avoid certain activities like pressing buttons.
In the Letters to the Editor section of Hadassah Magazine, readers express mixed feelings about various articles in the publication.
An event in Milwaukee marked the 30th yahrtzeit of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, highlighting the growing interest in Jewish connection.
Rav Avraham Shmulevitz, a respected maggid shiur at Yeshivas Mir, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of love and devotion towards his students.
President Joe Biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential race, as highlighted in his letter, echoes profound Talmudic themes of being satisfied with one's portion, similar to a reference made at the author's father's funeral and the fictional President Bartlet in The West Wing.
President Joe Biden's decision to drop out of the presidential race is likened to the Jewish principle of Ldor vador, meaning from generation to generation, emphasizing the passing of traditions for a greater good.
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz answers intriguing questions on various topics in a YouTube video.
The article delves into the complexities of embracing contradictions in life and relationships, using the story of Richard and Danielle, a couple facing challenges due to unresolved trauma and caregiver stress.
Elke Bentley, an 18-year-old musician heading to Harvard University, completed reading the Babylonian Talmud within just two-and-a-half years, much faster than the typical seven-and-a-half year Daf Yomi cycle.
A woman writes to a column seeking advice about her retired husband not sharing household chores adequately, describing him as the "king of futzing."
The text discusses a recent rally where elderly Israeli rabbinic leaders requested $100 million from American donors to replace government funding for Yeshivos that do not comply with draft laws.
The video explores the concept of Shabbat and its significance in Jewish tradition.
This recipe by Louis Mann features a Thai seared beef salad, combining a spicy beef marinade with seared beef served over a fresh salad mix.
The discussion delves into the halachic perspective on targeted killings of Israel's enemies, considering aspects such as the rationale for permitting them, the differences between targeted killings in war and outside of it, the ethical concerns regarding accuracy in targeting, collateral damage, and the appropriateness of celebrating such actions.
The article discusses how the Republican rhetoric on immigrants, as exemplified by speakers at the 2024 Republican National Convention, violates a core Jewish principle of lashon hara, which refers to harmful speech about others that is derogatory or damaging.
Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp assisted two incarcerated men, Ari Kingsman and Joshua Phillips, in their journey to convert to Judaism within the Monroe Correctional Complex in Washington State, a unique and challenging setting for conversions.
The Parashah of the week, Balak, discusses the importance of taking responsibility for our actions, emphasizing that we are accountable for the situations we find ourselves in rather than attributing them to chance.
Contemporary Jewish law mandates saving the lives of both Jews and non-Jews, even if it means transgressing Shabbat.
The text discusses Israel's alleged use of the human shielding accusation as a legal justification for genocide in Gaza, focusing on the targeting of civilian infrastructure and populations by the Israeli military.

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