Tag: Christmas Celebration

The author shares their personal experience of growing up in a Jewish family that celebrated Christmas alongside Hanukkah.
The documentary "Mayor" explores the life of Musa Hadid, the Mayor of Ramallah, who is known for his determination to improve the city and create a festive atmosphere for everyone, including a Christmas celebration.
"Musa Hadid: Mayor of Ramallah" is a documentary showcasing the efforts of Mayor Musa Hadid to revitalize his city and promote inclusivity.
The author reflects on how her celebration of Christmas as a child, despite being Jewish, gradually lost its appeal as she grew older.
In a humorous reflection on being Jewish during Christmas in Texas, the writer explores the contrasts and interactions between Jewish culture and the festive Texas atmosphere, highlighting the feelings of unease and acceptance intertwined in the experience.
In this personal essay, a convert to Judaism grapples with her love for Christmas traditions and how to navigate celebrating them while being Jewish.