Tag: Don Futterman

In this edition, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Miriam Herschlag discuss conflicting public opinion about Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, with varied views on his strength and future.
In this edition, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Naomi Zeveloff discuss the Israeli Supreme Court rejecting mass exemptions for ultra-Orthodox kids from army service, the decline of malls in Israel as possibly signaling a shift in Israeli culture, and they review significant events and figures of the year 5777.
In a recent podcast episode, Noah Efron, Don Futterman, and Miriam Herschlag from Times of Israel discussed several important topics: the implications of an Al Jazeera video showing IDF soldiers searching a West Bank Palestinian home, the revelation of Prime Minister Netanyahu's close ties with the owner of Yisrael Ha-Yom newspaper, and the recent efforts by courts and the Knesset to crack down on the sex industry - questioning whether this is progress for feminism or an overstep into puritanism.
The podcast discussion covers three main topics: the controversy surrounding protests against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu's alleged corruption, concerns over the excessive data available on a new Ministry of Education website about Israel's schools, and the debate on renaming Israel's airport due to its association with Palestinian suffering.