Tag: Gaon

This episode discusses whether calling Tanya "Chassidic Philosophy" is accurate and explores the differences between how individuals in the Chassidic and Litvish worlds approach fulfilling mitzvot.
This episode delves into the Gaon's criticism of Chassidim regarding Kibud Av and explores key concepts surrounding Tzimtzum.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein discusses the Maggid of Mezritch's success in attracting students, exploring how he did so and the type of students he drew compared to the Gaon.
Rabbi Arnie Wittenstein, a Torah scholar and historian, discusses the background of the Brody Cherem in Gaon #19, focusing on the theory that opposition to Beshtian Chassidus began in 1781 and the involvement of Maskilim in the conflict between Chassidim and Misnagdim, particularly exploring the role of Yisroel of Zamosz.