Tag: Halakhot

In this article, the author discusses Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's views on the exchange of imprisoned terrorists for hostages, focusing on the concept of pidyon shevuyim (the redemption or ransom of captives) in Jewish tradition.
Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a prominent halakhic thinker, addressed the question of whether Israel should release terrorists in exchange for hostages.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the Halakhot (Jewish religious laws) of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
This article explores an obscure minhag (custom) related to wearing tefillin, specifically the practice of not eating or drinking until the impressions of the tefillin straps have disappeared from one's arm.
"Sukkah City" was a unique architectural competition initiated by Joshua Foer and Roger Bennett to challenge designers to create innovative sukkot, temporary structures central to the Jewish holiday of Sukkot.