Lehrhaus Letters to the Editor: A Rejoinder to the Review by Martin Lockshin 25 Jul
David E. S. Stein, the project manager and revising translator of THE JPS TANAKH: Gender-Sensitive Edition, responds to Professor Martin Lockshin's review by...
25 Jul
Lehrhaus Shopping for Grandpa’s Gravestone 21 Jul
The text describes a reflective journey of choosing a gravestone for a grandfather, navigating through different options like colors and sizes while contempl...
21 Jul
Lehrhaus Saving Non-Jews on Shabbat: Two Perspectives on the Development of a Sensitive Halakhah 18 Jul
Contemporary Jewish law mandates saving the lives of both Jews and non-Jews, even if it means transgressing Shabbat. This obligation has been widely accepted...
18 Jul
Lehrhaus A World Worth Knowing: Jewish Education’s Crisis of Curiosity 14 Jul
The text explores the issue of intellectual curiosity within the Jewish community, particularly focusing on a Pew Research poll among American Jews in 2020. ...
14 Jul
Lehrhaus In Search of an Exiled Past: A Review of Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin’s Toda’at Mishnah, Toda’at Mikra 12 Jul
Amnon Raz-Krakotzkin's book "Todaat Mishnah, Todaat Mikra" delves into the Kabbalistic community of Safed in the 16th century, highlighting how its members v...
12 Jul
Lehrhaus The End of Contradiction: Resolving the Mysteries of The Guide to the Perplexed 9 Jul
"The Guide to the Perplexed" by Moses Maimonides has long been shrouded in mystery and controversy within Jewish circles. Lenn E. Goodman's recent works, a n...
9 Jul
Lehrhaus Should the Bible be Translated in a Gender-Sensitive Way? 4 Jul
The JPS Tanakh: Gender-Sensitive Edition, also known as Revised JPS (RJPS), offers a new translation of the Bible with a focus on gender sensitivity. RJPS re...
4 Jul
Lehrhaus I Am Stirring the Chicken Soup in Circles and Thinking 30 Jun
The poem reflects on the act of stirring chicken soup while contemplating the story of Abraham buying Sarah's burial place. It delves into themes of love, lo...
30 Jun
Lehrhaus Zaftig 27 Jun
"Zaftig" is a word with Yiddish roots that conveys a sense of being sensually fleshy or simply large. The term may be unfamiliar outside of New York, with an...
27 Jun
Lehrhaus Letters to the Editor: Tzvi Goldstein Responds 25 Jun
In response to feedback on his original article, Tzvi Goldstein addresses challenges to his presentation of Mesilat Yesharim and Ramhal's position, highlight...
25 Jun
Lehrhaus Our Torah—Illustrated? 24 Jun
In the Torah, unique bracket-shaped markings known as inverted nuns are found surrounding Numbers 10:35-36, evolving over 2000 years with various interpretat...
24 Jun
Lehrhaus Aspects of My Father’s Philosophy of Jewish History 18 Jun
Aaron Zeitlin delves into his father Hillel Zeitlin's philosophical and theological perspectives on Jewish history, emphasizing the unique national identity ...
18 Jun
Lehrhaus First Fruits: A Selection of Poems on Mishnah Bikkurim 3 10 Jun
The text discusses the Mishnah tractate Bikkurim, focusing on Chapter 3's visual description of the Shavuot procession and the communal journey to the Temple...
10 Jun
Lehrhaus Giving Shape to Abstraction: Illustrating Redemption in the Book of Ruth 9 Jun
The article discusses the challenge of illustrating the Book of Ruth, focusing not on the plot but on the theme of redemption. The author emphasizes the abst...
9 Jun
Lehrhaus Living in an Old Book with Poet Haim Gouri (1923-2018)  3 Jun
Haim Gouri's poem "I Live at This Time in an Old Book" reflects on living in an old country intertwined with Jewish history, exploring themes of old age, hop...
3 Jun
Lehrhaus Book review of For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy through the Arts in the Digital Age 30 May
The book "For Women and Girls Only: Reshaping Jewish Orthodoxy through the Arts in the Digital Age" by Dr. Jessica Roda explores how Orthodox Jewish women ha...
30 May
Lehrhaus Voices from Outside the Cave: Women and the Story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai 27 May
The text discusses the story of Rabbi Shimon bar Yohai and the women in his life: his mother (Eishet Yohai), wife (Eishet Shimon), and daughter-in-law (Eishe...
27 May
Lehrhaus The Culture of Learning in Women’s Torah Study 23 May
The author discusses the importance of creating a culture of learning for women in Torah study, particularly in Gemara and Talmud, similar to the vibrant env...
23 May
Lehrhaus Judaism is About Two Kinds of Love 22 May
Rabbi Dr. Shai Held's book "Judaism is about Love" delves into the distinction between two types of love in Judaism: ahavah rabbah (abundant, passionate love...
22 May
Lehrhaus The Non-Blaspheming “Blasphemer” and the Broader Ethic of the Episode 16 May
The article discusses the narrative of the "blasphemer" in Leviticus and challenges the common translation of the sin as blasphemy. The story focuses on Ben ...
16 May
Lehrhaus Rethinking Disability: Let’s Do Better 13 May
The article discusses the difference between the Medical Approach and the Social Model of disability, using the example of a controversial video by Mr. Beast...
13 May
Lehrhaus Judaism and Christianity: A Star-Crossed Affair? 8 May
Eugene Korn's book, "Israel and the Nations," explores Jewish-Gentile relations and the evolving theological perspectives on engaging with non-Jewish faiths,...
8 May
Lehrhaus “Filling In” and “The Poet of Auschwitz?” 5 May
"Temima Weissmann reflects on the fragments of memory and history in the poems 'Filling In' and 'The Poet of Auschwitz?' In 'Filling In,' she evokes the stru...
5 May
Lehrhaus Revolution in the Temple 26 Apr
The essay discusses a rabbinic story about the sage Hillel's ruling on offering the Passover Sacrifice in the Temple, highlighting its different versions in ...
26 Apr
Lehrhaus Pesah as Zeman Simhateinu: What Does it Mean to Rejoice Over Victory? 18 Apr
In the discussion of Pesah as Zeman Simhateinu, the text delves into the tradition of referring to the last days of Pesah as a time of rejoicing over victory...
18 Apr
Lehrhaus Buying Jewish Whiskey 17 Apr
The text discusses the legal intricacies and religious significance of the practice of selling chametz (leavened food) before Passover, focusing on the forma...
17 Apr
Lehrhaus Put a Mirror on Your Seder Table 14 Apr
The article emphasizes the importance of including the stories of enslaved Jewish women in the Passover Seder narrative, focusing on the challenges faced by ...
14 Apr
Lehrhaus Learning To Let Go 8 Apr
The author reflects on her father's ability to evade death multiple times and contemplates the inevitability of losing loved ones as they age. Drawing a para...
8 Apr
Lehrhaus Letters To The Editor: A Further Response To Tzvi Goldstein On Centrist Orthodoxy And Haredi Orthodoxy 4 Apr
Chaim Goldberg responds to Tzvi Goldstein's essay on Centrist Orthodoxy and Haredi Orthodoxy by highlighting nuances in Ramhal's Mesilat Yesharim that challe...
4 Apr
Lehrhaus Is Liberal Zionism Dead? 1 Apr
The text discusses the current crisis facing liberal Zionism, with a focus on the challenges of balancing progressive values with the reality of Israel's pol...
1 Apr
Lehrhaus Is Silence Complicity?: An Analysis of Shtikah Ke-Hoda’ah from Classic Halakhah to Current Events 28 Mar
Silence is often viewed as complicity or admission, raising questions about when the principle of shtikah ke-hodaah applies in Jewish law and ethics, especia...
28 Mar
Lehrhaus Separation of Powers and Majority Rule: Insights from the Talmud, Maimonides, Spinoza, and Mendelssohn 26 Mar
The text delves into the current political tensions in Israel regarding the authority of the Supreme Court, executive privilege, and the role of the elected ...
26 Mar
Lehrhaus Poets Are Purim Jews: On Contemporary Poetry’s Inexplicable Obsession with the Ordinary  21 Mar
Contemporary poetry's focus on finding profundity and wonder in ordinary experiences, rather than overtly religious themes, is explored in relation to the co...
21 Mar
Lehrhaus Purim and the Joke of Jewish Sovereignty 20 Mar
The article discusses the relationship between the holiday of Purim and the concept of Jewish sovereignty, highlighting differing viewpoints on the importanc...
20 Mar
Lehrhaus Bulbasaur & Bishul: An Adar-Fueled, Unnecessarily In-Depth Analysis of a Nonsensical Halakhic Question 19 Mar
In an analysis by Mark Glass, the author delves into a humorous yet insightful halakhic question based on the popular game Pokemon, pondering if using a move...
19 Mar
Lehrhaus The Child at this Moment, the child that Could Become: A Torah Meditation in Wartime 17 Mar
In his exploration of a Torah meditation in wartime, Dan Ornstein reflects on the biblical story of Yishmael in the desert and the moral implications of judg...
17 Mar
Lehrhaus A Philosophical Reflection on the Halakhification of Warfare 14 Mar
The debate on the ethical conduct of warfare within Jewish law is discussed in a philosophical reflection by Alex S. Ozar. Some authorities argue that warfar...
14 Mar
Lehrhaus Insanity and Hope 11 Mar
Warren Zev Harvey explores the concept of historical unpredictability and hope in the context of religious Zionism through the lens of R. Joseph Kaspi's view...
11 Mar
Lehrhaus The Jewish Leap Day: A Halakhic Analysis of a Calendar Conundrum 7 Mar
The Jewish calendar's leap day in Adar, observed during a leap year, adds a full month to correct for discrepancies between lunar and solar years maintaining...
7 Mar
Lehrhaus Is Reciting Tehillim and Avinu Malkeinu after October 7th Enough? 4 Mar
Many synagogues have adjusted their services after October 7th in response to the conflict in Israel by adding prayers like Avinu Malkeinu and select chapter...
4 Mar
Lehrhaus Modern Orthodoxy at the Crossroads: Past, Present, and Future 29 Feb
Joseph Kaplan, a retired attorney and Modern Orthodox intellectual, offers a collection of writings spanning over half a century in "A Passionate Writing Lif...
29 Feb
Lehrhaus Character And Covenant 26 Feb
"Jewish Virtue Ethics" edited by Geoffrey D. Claussen, Alexander Green, and Alan L. Mittleman delves into the history of Jewish thought by bringing together ...
26 Feb
Lehrhaus Thoughts on a Death 21 Feb
The text delves into Jewish laws and traditions surrounding death and mourning, with a focus on the story of a man's complicated relationship with his estran...
21 Feb
Lehrhaus Of Warriors and Wolves 20 Feb
Aharon Frazer reflects on the sanctity of human life amidst violence, exploring the Torah's nuanced approach to basic human morality. He highlights how the T...
20 Feb
Lehrhaus Jewish Theology For a Neo-Traditional Age 15 Feb
In his book "The People, The Torah, The God: A Neo-Traditional Jewish Theology," Yehuda Gellman presents a neo-traditional theology that explores the concept...
15 Feb
Lehrhaus The Agunah 14 Feb
This text tells the story of a woman named Adina who is trapped in her marriage and unable to obtain a get, a Jewish divorce document, from her husband. Adin...
14 Feb
Lehrhaus Two Poems from Knock-knock  13 Feb
In these two poems from "Knock-knock," Owen Lewis explores Jewish themes and questions. In "A Lesson for This Life?," the author muses on the idea that the w...
13 Feb
Lehrhaus The Secret Quietness 12 Feb
In "The Secret Quietness," David Dephy explores the fleeting nature of time and the power of memories. The poem begins with a sense of awakening, as the narr...
12 Feb
Lehrhaus Philo of Alexandria and the Soul of the Torah 7 Feb
Philo of Alexandria, a contemporary of Hillel and Shammai, is a figure in Jewish history whose unique position and enduring relevance deserve attention. Phil...
7 Feb
Lehrhaus Three Questions after October 7 7 Feb
In the aftermath of October 7, when Israel faced a wave of terrorist attacks, the author raises three questions. Firstly, they question who the Palestinians ...
7 Feb