Tag: Holy Sites

Despite the ongoing protests and political upheaval in Israel, tourists and visitors to popular sites like the Western Wall, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and Tel Aviv's Rothschild Boulevard remain largely unaffected.
In this episode, the hosts and scholars delve into the significance of Jewish pilgrimages worldwide.
In the final episode of the Israel Policy Forum-Terrestrial Jerusalem partnership series, Evan Gottesman and Danny Seidemann delve into the topic of the status quo surrounding access to the holy sites on Jerusalem's Temple Mount.
In this edition, Allison, Noah, and Miriam Herschlag of Times of Israel discuss the UNESCO resolution chastising Israel over Muslim holy sites in Jerusalem and overlooking Jewish connections, the challenge of promoting nuance in the conversation about Israel amidst BDS campaigns, and the proposed Jewish Museum in Tel Aviv honoring famous Jewish figures like Einstein and Spielberg.