Tag: Israeli National Security

Anshel Pfeffer discusses Benny Gantz's potential exit from the government, highlighting Gantz's dilemma and the possibility of early elections in September.
A recent article in Tablet magazine argues for an end to US aid to Israel, claiming that the Biden administration's policies towards Israel undermine its national security.
Israeli Security in the Shadow of the Judicial Overhaul explores the impact of the Netanyahu government's judicial overhaul bill on Israeli national security.
Amos Harel and Neri Zilber discuss how the passage of Israel's first judicial overhaul bill by the Netanyahu government is negatively impacting Israeli national security.
Israel is heading to its fifth election since 2019 as the country's political crisis worsens.
Chuck Freilich, a former Israeli National Security Adviser, discusses Israel's security strategy with Eli Kowaz and Evan Gottesman, highlighting concerns about its effectiveness in a changing world.