Future of Jewish The Inevitable Palestinian Terror State 23 Jun
A critique in the "Future of Jewish" newsletter questions the feasibility of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that most Isra...
23 Jun
Future of Jewish The Competing Philosophies Behind Israel's Approach to October 7th 23 Jun
The text delves into the competing philosophies guiding Israel's response to the Hamas-led October 7th attacks, with one side emphasizing Israel's responsibi...
23 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 22 Jun
Future of Jewish, a publication, aims to provide in-depth understanding and knowledge about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. It offers unique perspecti...
22 Jun
Future of Jewish Pro-Palestinians and Communists and Terrorists — Oh my! 22 Jun
The essay discusses the intersection of pro-Palestinian activism with communist and terrorist ideologies on a university campus during a Jewish event. It exp...
22 Jun
Future of Jewish The U.S. is withholding arms from Israel, again. 21 Jun
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently accused the Biden administration of withholding weapons shipments to Israel, a claim the administration de...
21 Jun
Future of Jewish A New Perspective on the Palestinians' Cherished Catastrophe 21 Jun
The essay explores the Palestinian perspective of the Nakba, the displacement of approximately 750,000 Arabs during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. It questions t...
21 Jun
Future of Jewish Hezbollah is weak. Israel should crush them. 20 Jun
The text discusses the dynamics of strength and weakness in the Middle East, particularly in relation to Israel and Hezbollah. It highlights the perception o...
20 Jun
Future of Jewish How Obama Lit the Middle East on Fire 20 Jun
The text discusses the contentious relationship between former U.S. President Barack Obama and Israel, highlighting key issues that caused tension. Obama's p...
20 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 19 Jun
Joshua Hoffman, representing Future of Jewish, a digital publication aiming to enhance understanding of Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, seeks support ...
19 Jun
Future of Jewish The Four Israel's 19 Jun
The text discusses different perspectives on Israel, highlighting how mainstream media oversimplifies Israel's portrayal, focusing excessively on conflict an...
19 Jun
Future of Jewish White Savior Complex: How Activism Is Killing Palestinians 18 Jun
The article discusses the concept of the White Savior Complex within activism, particularly focusing on advocacy for Palestinians. It criticizes how some act...
18 Jun
Future of Jewish How to Actually Defeat Hamas: A Guide 18 Jun
The text provides a strategic guide on how to effectively defeat Hamas and other terrorist organizations, emphasizing the need to understand and adapt to the...
18 Jun
Future of Jewish Israel should say goodbye to the rotten and racist United Nations. 17 Jun
In a guest essay by Nachum Kaplan on the Future of Jewish platform, the case for Israel to leave the United Nations (UN) is discussed. The essay argues that ...
17 Jun
Future of Jewish The Most Manipulated Words During the Israel-Hamas War 17 Jun
The text explores the misinterpretation and misuse of certain words and terms during the Israel-Hamas conflict from a Jewish perspective. It delves into the ...
17 Jun
Future of Jewish Should Israel be a Jewish state, or a state for the Jews? 16 Jun
The debate over whether Israel should be a Jewish state or a state for Jews is deeply rooted in historical, cultural, and ideological perspectives. Theodor H...
16 Jun
Future of Jewish An Open Letter to the 'Pro-Palestinian' Friends I Have Lost 16 Jun
The text is an open letter addressed to former friends who have shifted towards extreme left views in support of the Palestinian cause, leading to the writer...
16 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 15 Jun
Future of Jewish, a digital publication based in Israel, aims to provide insight and education about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world for a global audie...
15 Jun
Future of Jewish Introducing the Jew Box™ 15 Jun
The text introduces "The Jew Box," an AI tool designed to help people navigate discussions on Jewish and Israeli issues. Through various hypothetical scenari...
15 Jun
Future of Jewish Why There Is No Palestinian State 14 Jun
The essay discusses why there is no Palestinian state, highlighting the historical background and challenges to achieving a resolution to the conflict betwee...
14 Jun
Future of Jewish How the Media Manipulates Your Israeli-Palestinian Opinions 14 Jun
The text discusses how mainstream media and social media often manipulate Israeli-Palestinian opinions by crafting narratives that maximize attention and out...
14 Jun
Future of Jewish Israel is real — and that makes it an easy target. 13 Jun
The essay explores the theme of erasure in the context of Israeli-Palestinian relations, focusing on the misinterpretation of Golda Meir's 1976 comment about...
13 Jun
Future of Jewish The Mysterious Psychology of Self-Hating Jews 13 Jun
The text discusses the intriguing phenomenon of self-hating Jews, noting that even Jews can hold antisemitic views. It delves into the historical context of ...
13 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 12 Jun
Future of Jewish is a free digital publication aiming to educate and inspire individuals about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. With a team based in Is...
12 Jun
Future of Jewish The Two Ways to Think About Hamas 12 Jun
The Future of Jewish newsletter delves into the complex nature of Hamas, highlighting not only its genocidal and antisemitic tendencies but also shedding lig...
12 Jun
Future of Jewish The West has failed its Jewish communities. 11 Jun
The essay highlights concerns about rising antisemitism globally, with a focus on Western countries like the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Austr...
11 Jun
Future of Jewish The Long and Complicated Road to Israel's So-Called 'Total Victory' 11 Jun
The text discusses the challenges Israel faces in achieving a so-called "total victory" over Hamas and other adversaries due to complex geopolitics and inter...
11 Jun
Future of Jewish The Silent Surrender 10 Jun
The essay discusses growing concerns among some Jewish individuals who feel the need to prepare for potential threats, such as antisemitism. It highlights in...
10 Jun
Future of Jewish The Israel-Hamas war is not a war between Israel and Hamas. 10 Jun
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas is framed as a larger battle representing the Muslim Brotherhood versus the Western world, with Israel position...
10 Jun
Future of Jewish News Flash: If you hate most Jews, you are a Nazi. 9 Jun
The essay discusses the issue of equating hatred of Jews with Nazism, focusing on the anti-Semitic nature of hating Zionists and Israel. It highlights the fl...
9 Jun
Future of Jewish Israel just reminded the world who it is. 9 Jun
Israeli forces successfully rescued four hostages from Hamas captivity in a daring operation in the Gaza Strip. The rescue involved sophisticated tactics, su...
9 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 8 Jun
Future of Jewish, a digital publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has made its content free to reach a wider audience worldwide. With...
8 Jun
Future of Jewish The problem is: Israel is not the problem. 8 Jun
The essay argues that the common narrative placing blame on Israel for the lack of peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is flawed. It points out that Is...
8 Jun
Future of Jewish From Euphoria to Living Hell: Honoring the Now-Infamous Nova Music Festival 7 Jun
The Nova Music Festival Exhibition in New York offers a detailed and immersive experience re-creating the tragic events of the festival in Israel when it was...
7 Jun
Future of Jewish Recipe for Failure: Stop fighting Jew-haters with facts. 7 Jun
The article discusses the complexity of combatting antisemitism with facts alone, highlighting that the phenomenon is deeply rooted in emotions, cultural nar...
7 Jun
Future of Jewish Yes, history (still) matters. 6 Jun
The essay "Yes, history (still) matters" by David Harris discusses the significance of the 1967 Six-Day War and its lasting impact on the Jewish world. Harri...
6 Jun
Future of Jewish An Open Letter to 'Pro-Palestinian' Influencers 6 Jun
The text is an open letter addressed to 'Pro-Palestinian' social media influencers, commending their passionate advocacy for the Palestinian cause through pl...
6 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 5 Jun
Future of Jewish, a digital publication, aims to educate and inspire individuals about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. They offer a range of perspecti...
5 Jun
Future of Jewish Bankrupt in Gaza 5 Jun
The text discusses the failure of a $320-million American humanitarian pier built in Gaza, which Palestinians did not want and which suffered structural issu...
5 Jun
Future of Jewish Allergic to Tribalism: Why 'the West' Fails in the Middle East 4 Jun
The essay discusses the failure of Western approaches in the Middle East, particularly in the context of Israel and tribal dynamics. It argues that misconcep...
4 Jun
Future of Jewish Only in Israel: The Jewish State's Extraordinary Wartime Attributes 4 Jun
This article explores the unique attributes of wartime Israel, focusing on the experiences and perspectives of individuals living in Israel during periods of...
4 Jun
Future of Jewish Whitewashing Jews: A Practice in Politically Correct Antisemitism 4 Jun
The essay discusses the issue of whitewashing Jews and challenges the misconception that all Jews are white. It emphasizes that Judaism is not just a religio...
4 Jun
Future of Jewish You do not need to have an opinion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 3 Jun
The text discusses the complexity and oversimplification of opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, critiquing those who form shallow viewpoints withou...
3 Jun
Future of Jewish An Astonishing Story: The Unlikely Hero Who Birthed Israel's Air Force 2 Jun
Michael Oren shares the remarkable story of Lou Lenart, an American Zionist and World War II veteran instrumental in the birth of Israel's air force. Despite...
2 Jun
Future of Jewish The Nasty Lies That Politicians Spread About Israel 2 Jun
The text discusses President Joe Biden's recent speech addressing the Israel-Hamas conflict, criticizing his perceived lies and political motivations. It arg...
2 Jun
Future of Jewish Will you support our mission please? 1 Jun
Future of Jewish is a digital publication dedicated to providing inspiration, education, and connection about Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. They aim...
1 Jun
Future of Jewish Israel must step into the role that America once occupied. 1 Jun
The essay discusses the connection between Judaism, Zionism, and the Jewish people's historical and biblical ties to the land of Israel. It explores the root...
1 Jun
Future of Jewish But we are *not* Jew-haters, they insist. 31 May
This essay discusses a fictional but realistic panel discussion at a pro-Hamas rally in Canada, where attendees express views on the Israel-Hamas conflict. T...
31 May
Future of Jewish Why Iran Hates the Jewish State of Israel 31 May
Iran's animosity towards Israel has evolved over time, with historical ties once existing between the two countries post-Israel's establishment. However, the...
31 May
Future of Jewish Dead Palestinians? Blame yourself. 30 May
The essay emphasizes the need to understand the fundamental moral differences and intentions between Israel and Hamas in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It...
30 May
Future of Jewish What They Don’t Teach You When You Move to Israel 30 May
The text discusses personal experiences of moving to Israel, highlighting unexpected lessons learned upon arrival, such as dealing with security concerns lik...
30 May