Future of Jewish Communists for Hamas 26 Jul
In a guest essay by Dave Rich on Future of Jewish, Jodi Dean, a politics professor, is criticized for her enthusiastic support of Hamas following their attac...
26 Jul
Future of Jewish Kamala Harris will be even more anti-Israel than Obama. 26 Jul
The text discusses concerns that U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris may be more anti-Israel than former President Obama due to her alignment with pro-Palestin...
26 Jul
Future of Jewish Only a fool could look at Gaza and blame Israel. 25 Jul
The text is a passionate critique of Hamas' actions in Gaza, emphasizing that blaming Israel for the situation is ignorant and unfair. It highlights Hamas' r...
25 Jul
Future of Jewish An Open Letter to Anti-Israel Jews 25 Jul
The text is an open letter addressing anti-Israel Jews, expressing frustration with their protests against Israel while ignoring atrocities committed by othe...
25 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 24 Jul
Future of Jewish is a publication aiming to provide education and connection on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world. They have made their content free sinc...
24 Jul
Future of Jewish A two-state solution would be horrific for the Palestinians. Here's why. 24 Jul
In this essay by Nachum Kaplan, the author argues against the widely held belief that a two-state solution would be beneficial for the Palestinians, assertin...
24 Jul
Future of Jewish The Art of Humanizing Politics 23 Jul
This article discusses the importance of humanizing politicians, particularly in the context of Israeli and American politics. It argues against dehumanizing...
23 Jul
Future of Jewish It is time to reject the term 'pro-Palestinian'. 23 Jul
The essay argues for rejecting the term "pro-Palestinian" and instead refers to those who use it as "anti-Israel." The author questions the intensity and irr...
23 Jul
Future of Jewish Stop with the 'international law' arguments already. 22 Jul
The discussion presented in the text revolves around the role and relevance of international law in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as various theo...
22 Jul
Future of Jewish Since October 7th, I am not the same Jew. 22 Jul
The text discusses the impact of recent events on the author's personal Jewish identity and the broader Jewish community. The writer reflects on a trip to Is...
22 Jul
Future of Jewish Israel does the dirty work that the West is scared to do. 21 Jul
The text discusses Israel's recent military actions to defend against threats from Iranian proxies such as the Houthis, including a strike on a port in Yemen...
21 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 21 Jul
"Future of Jewish" is a free publication aiming to provide nuanced insights on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, catering to a global audience. While of...
21 Jul
Future of Jewish 'Jews having power may be one of the most just outcomes in our history.' 20 Jul
Dr. Tal Becker, a prominent expert on Israeli legal and diplomatic affairs, recently defended Israel against accusations of genocide at the International Cou...
20 Jul
Future of Jewish The Subtle Art of Embracing Contradictions 20 Jul
The article delves into the complexities of embracing contradictions in life and relationships, using the story of Richard and Danielle, a couple facing chal...
20 Jul
Future of Jewish Spoiler: Israel cannot be an 'occupier' in its own land. 19 Jul
The text discusses an International Court of Justice's non-binding opinion declaring Israel's presence in Judea and Samaria illegal, sparking controversy. It...
19 Jul
Future of Jewish 'Anti-Zionism' is an existential threat to progressive, liberal values. 19 Jul
The text delves into the intricacies of the relationship between anti-Zionism and antisemitism, highlighting the complexity and nuance of this discussion. It...
19 Jul
Future of Jewish What if people saw Palestinian and Israeli lives as equal? 18 Jul
The text discusses the perspective of seeing Palestinian and Israeli lives as equal, pointing out issues within the Palestinian meta-narrative and the Nakba ...
18 Jul
Future of Jewish 95 Percent Heaven and Five Percent Hell 18 Jul
The text discusses a tragic event that occurred in Kfar Aza, where members of the Kutz family and other residents were killed and kidnapped by Hamas terroris...
18 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 17 Jul
Future of Jewish, a publication dedicated to providing in-depth insights on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has transitioned to being free for all rea...
17 Jul
Future of Jewish The Cash Cow Known as Palestine Inc. 17 Jul
The essay highlights the issue of corruption and financial mismanagement within Palestinian leadership, particularly the Palestine Liberation Organization (P...
17 Jul
Future of Jewish What the Media Is Not Telling You About Its Coverage of Gaza 16 Jul
The text discusses the lack of transparency in media coverage of Gaza, particularly regarding the control and censorship of information by Hamas. It highligh...
16 Jul
Future of Jewish Always the Jews have been going down. 16 Jul
The text explores the historical and contemporary complexities of Jews living in Hebron, detailing the Jewish presence in the city from biblical times to mod...
16 Jul
Future of Jewish Netanyahu is doing a terrible and terrific job at the same time. 15 Jul
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a polarizing figure whose leadership during the Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah war has received both praise and criticis...
15 Jul
Future of Jewish Netanyahu is doing a terrible and terrific job at the same time. 15 Jul
The article discusses Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership during the Israel-Hamas-Hezbollah war, highlighting both commendable and questio...
15 Jul
Future of Jewish Sadism and Jew-Baiting: The 'Pro-Palestinian' Strategy 15 Jul
The essay delves into the sadistic and Jew-baiting strategies employed by some pro-Palestinian activists, exemplified by Roger Waters' dissemination of false...
15 Jul
Future of Jewish After Trump assassination attempt, I say: Americans and Israelis, do better. 14 Jul
After an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, Israeli ministers are drawing parallels between threats made against Israeli Prime Minister ...
14 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 14 Jul
Future of Jewish, a publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has made its content freely accessible to all since October 7th. The public...
14 Jul
Future of Jewish Israel's Place in the Looming Shadow of World War Three 13 Jul
The essay discusses Israel's shifting alliances in the current global political landscape, focusing on its relations with the Far-Right in Europe amidst the ...
13 Jul
Future of Jewish How the Israel-Hamas War Can End Sooner Rather Than Later 13 Jul
The ongoing Israel-Hamas war, sparked by an attack on Israel in October, is rooted in Hamas' intent to destroy Israel. Attempts to end the war by pressuring ...
13 Jul
Future of Jewish Biden needs Netanyahu who needs Trump. 12 Jul
In the text, the author discusses the complex political dynamics between U.S. President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and former Pres...
12 Jul
Future of Jewish Pro-Palestinians: A Masturbatory Exercise in Virtue Exhibitionism 12 Jul
The essay "Pro-Palestinians: A Masturbatory Exercise in Virtue Exhibitionism" criticizes the Western pro-Palestine movement, describing it as reducing the co...
12 Jul
Future of Jewish The Reported Ceasefire Deal: A Complete Disaster in the Making 11 Jul
The text discusses a reported ceasefire deal in Gaza, highlighting concerns about the potential consequences. It mentions the history of violence by Hamas, t...
11 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 11 Jul
Future of Jewish, a publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has made its content free since October 7th to ensure accessibility for all...
11 Jul
Future of Jewish Hello, of course Hamas lied about Palestinian casualty numbers. 10 Jul
The text discusses the United Nations revising Gaza casualty statistics during the Israel-Gaza conflict and highlights discrepancies in the numbers reported ...
10 Jul
Future of Jewish The Over-Romanticism of Israel 10 Jul
The text discusses the "over-romanticism of Israel" that some people fall into, highlighting how Israel is often idealized beyond its complex realities, incl...
10 Jul
Future of Jewish How Israeli Extremists Hijacked the Biennale in Italy 9 Jul
Israeli extremists have caused the closure of the Israel pavilion at the Venice Biennale, a prestigious international art exhibition, by demanding a ceasefir...
9 Jul
Future of Jewish The West's Self-Defeating Approach to Hamas 9 Jul
The text discusses the West's approach to dealing with Hamas, particularly concerning ceasefire negotiations in Gaza. It highlights the demands made by both ...
9 Jul
Future of Jewish Should I apologize for $2 million? 8 Jul
Professor Paul Finlayson, who expressed support for Israel and criticized Hamas on social media, faced suspension and isolation from the University of Guelph...
8 Jul
Future of Jewish The Palestinians have 'perfect child' syndrome — and the world enables it. 8 Jul
The text discusses the concept of the "perfect child" syndrome attributed to the Palestinians in international relations, where they are often portrayed as f...
8 Jul
Future of Jewish This war is a death trap for Israel. 7 Jul
The essay discusses the current challenges Israel faces, painting a grim picture of the situation as a "death trap." It describes how Israel is ensnared in a...
7 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 7 Jul
Future of Jewish, a publication focused on Jewish topics, is now offered for free to provide inspiration, education, and connection to Judaism, Israel, and t...
7 Jul
Future of Jewish I married a Jew — and was completely unprepared for October 7th. 6 Jul
In this essay, Meghan Bell reflects on her marriage to a Jewish man amidst growing concerns about antisemitism following an incident on October 7th involving...
6 Jul
Future of Jewish The Assumptions Jews Make 6 Jul
The essay discusses the dangers of making assumptions in the Jewish world, emphasizing the importance of questioning assumptions to avoid unfounded conclusio...
6 Jul
Future of Jewish Israel should listen to its friends — and act as if it is alone. 5 Jul
The essay argues that Israel should prioritize its security over appeasement for peace, emphasizing that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not merely terri...
5 Jul
Future of Jewish The Israelis: Choosing Resilience Over Resignation 5 Jul
The text discusses the resilience displayed by Israelis in the face of tragedy, particularly following the October 7th Hamas-led attacks. It portrays various...
5 Jul
Future of Jewish How Muslims Will Take Over America 4 Jul
The text discusses the perceived threat of a Muslim takeover in America, highlighting concerns about Muslims' increasing presence and influence in Western so...
4 Jul
Future of Jewish The Curious Connection Between Anti-Zionists and Reform Jews 4 Jul
The text discusses the connection between Anti-Zionists and Reform Jews, delving into the author's personal journey and observations within the Reform Jewish...
4 Jul
Future of Jewish If you can, please help us keep serving you. 3 Jul
Future of Jewish, a publication focused on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, has been offered free to all since October 7th, aiming to provide inspirati...
3 Jul
Future of Jewish Dear world, it is not your job to be the Palestinians' caregiver. 3 Jul
The text argues that individuals who dedicate themselves to the Palestinian cause should reconsider their focus, as the narrative of Palestine as a longstand...
3 Jul
Future of Jewish The Turbulent State of Britain's Jews 2 Jul
The essay discusses the current state of British Jews amid rising antisemitism in the UK. Concerns are raised about the Labour Party's history of antisemitis...
2 Jul