Tag: Lockdowns

Aaron Kheriaty's book, "The New Abnormal: The Rise of the Biomedical Security State," criticizes the COVID-era regime of lockdowns, controls, and censorship.
The author discusses how religious Jews, particularly Haredim, became scapegoats during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This article discusses the alleged censorship and suppression of scientific opinions critical of COVID-19 lockdowns and government policies.
The article explores the reasons why positive news about COVID-19 vaccines, such as their effectiveness in preventing severe disease and the potential of natural immunity from previous infection, may not be sinking in among the public.
The discussion covers the recent increase in U.S. COVID cases, the ongoing challenges in ending the pandemic, and debates surrounding vaccines and lockdowns.
The COVID class war in America is not just a political divide between left and right, but also has elements of a class struggle.
New restrictions imposed by Andrew Cuomo in response to the COVID surge include banning in-home gatherings of over 10 people, prompting debate on his authority to do so and the likelihood of compliance with new lockdown measures.
Andrew Cuomo has implemented a ban on in-home gatherings of groups larger than 10 due to the COVID surge.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, there are signs of progress towards the end of strict lockdown measures and a shift towards case-based mitigation.