Tag: Ngo

The author, Joanna Chen, shares her experiences volunteering with The Road to Recovery, an Israeli NGO that transports sick Palestinian children to hospitals in Israel as a way to promote empathy and peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
Allison, Don & Noah explore significant topics including the government allocating 130 million shekels to resettle 42 settler families from an illegal outpost, the entry of businessmen into Israeli politics on the left claiming they can clean up Jerusalem, and debating the effectiveness of a new NGO app for public transportation in driving political change.
In this edition, Allison, Don, and Noah discuss topics including Israeli opposition leader Isaac Herzog's proposal for a fence to separate from Palestinians, a secret lawsuit by the army against NGO Breaking the Silence for soldiers' testimonies, and a report showing a decline in humanities and a rise in Bible studies among high-schoolers.
The podcast touches on three main topics: Prime Minister Netanyahu's controversial decision to address the US Congress close to Israeli elections, causing tension with President Obama and domestic political opponents; the discussion around V15, a foreign-funded NGO aiming to remove Netanyahu from office, sparking controversy during election time; and an analysis of the Israeli political party Meretz and its leader Zahava Gal-On's strategies for the upcoming elections.