
Shaina Taub, creator of the musical "Suffs," recently quoted Rabbi Tarfon's famous Talmudic wisdom "You are not obliged to finish the work, but neither are you free to desist from it" at the Tony Awards, sparking reflection on its relevance in various contexts.
Rabbi Shlomo Brody discusses Jewish military ethics with host Jonathan Silver, focusing on the Jewish tradition's views on conducting war, including the use of force proportional to the threat and the balance between collateral damage and force protection.
A recent UNESCO report, "AI and the Holocaust: Rewriting History?" highlights concerns about the use of AI, such as Google's generative search function, in providing information on Holocaust history.
In addressing the growing issue of social isolation and loneliness highlighted by Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, the Jewish community can draw on the wisdom of Hillel's teaching to not separate oneself from the community.
The article explores the concept of noticing what is not seen, using the analogy from Sherlock Holmes' story "The Adventure of Silver Blaze."
A personal reflection on embracing the mitzvah of tzeniut (modesty) as a transformative journey from external appearance to internal qualities, shaping behavior and fostering mindfulness in observance of other mitzvot.
Social media presents a significant challenge in maintaining modesty, especially in terms of self-promotion and sharing personal content.
In this reflection on the importance of positive feedback and recognizing strengths, Rabbi Dr. Josh Joseph shares a personal story of how a friend's simple acknowledgment of his talents helped him through a dark time of self-doubt.
During a secretly recorded conversation at a Supreme Court dinner, Justice Samuel Alito expressed his personal views as a conservative Catholic, affirming the need for a return to "G-dliness."
In Salman Rushdie's "Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder," he reflects on his experience of being stabbed during a talk in Buffalo and the subsequent recovery process.
The text discusses the author's experience of caring for their sick father, who was once a survivor of Nazi Europe and Stalinist communism.
Israel successfully rescued four hostages, sparking celebration in Israel but raising concerns globally due to the civilian casualties in Gaza during the operation.
The author reflects on a moment of realization in a social psychology class at York University about Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments in relation to the Eichmann trial, questioning the extent of individual responsibility when following immoral orders.
Learning to maintain a poker face is highlighted as a valuable skill in various aspects of life, especially in relationships and parenting.
The text discusses the complexity and oversimplification of opinions on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, critiquing those who form shallow viewpoints without a deep understanding of the region's history and complexities.
John Longhurst, the last remaining faith reporter in Canada, reflects on the evolution of religion coverage in media.
A former nursery worker at Little Goldies, which was shut down by the United Synagogue following concerns about hygiene and safeguarding practices, lost her claim of unfair dismissal.
A Jewish columnist reflects on the emotional toll of supporting Israel's war efforts in the face of civilian casualties, particularly in the aftermath of a tragic incident in Rafah where many innocent Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting Hamas terrorists.
Rabbi Daniel Cohen reflects on the fragility of life and the importance of living with a sense of urgency and purpose in his personal narrative about a life-altering event that changed his perspective.
Two students at YULA, an Orthodox Jewish high school in Los Angeles, came forward to report an inappropriate sexual relationship with a female staff member, leading to the involvement of the Los Angeles Police Department.
The Department for Education issued warnings to 12 Charedi schools in 2023 following critical inspections, prompting schools to create action plans to address deficiencies identified by Ofsted.
Kosher restaurants are increasingly incorporating wagyu beef, a highly marbled and luxurious Japanese cattle breed, into their menus, a trend that has long been popular in non-kosher establishments.
Exploring the consequences for bullies in the afterlife and discussing the ethical treatment of supernatural bears in this episode of Parshah Rabbit Hole.
Whitney Weathers, a Black Christian woman working in the Jewish nonprofit sector as a diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice practitioner, reflects on her journey and learnings.
The video delves into Rochel's emotional journey of overcoming infertility struggles and the tragic loss of one of her twins, finding strength and faith along the way.

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