Tag: Russiagate

This text discusses the phenomenon of information warfare campaigns conducted by the U.S. government to manipulate and divide Americans.
The "Disinfo Dictionary" provides brief descriptions of various terms related to disinformation, censorship, and government control over media and information.
The FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago is being seen as part of the ongoing Russiagate conspiracy theory, with accusations of government corruption and a cover-up of crimes committed by the FBI and Department of Justice since 2016.
A scathing memo by a former D.C. National Guard officer accuses top U.S. Army generals of lying to Congress about their response to the January 6 Capitol riots.
The article discusses the similarities and differences between the Watergate scandal and the Russia investigation (Russiagate) involving Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
The author argues that the war in Afghanistan has no strategic purpose or prospect of victory, and is mainly beneficial for military contractors and politicians.
This article explores Joe Biden's ability to avoid being hated by his detractors and opponents, which sets him apart from other figures in the Democratic Party.
Amid the divisive landscape of American politics, the Russiagate collusion theory has faced increasing skepticism from reporters and thinkers across the political spectrum due to its questionable veracity and potential misuse by intelligence and law enforcement agencies.
Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, released an op-ed calling for the release of his Senate testimony.