Tag: S&Amp;P Sephardi Community

This article provides information about Rabbi Steven Dansky, the Rabbi of Cranbrook Synagogue, who is known for his focus on the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories.
Rabbi Hayyim Angel, a scholar and teacher, discusses the concept of the Aqedah or Binding, referring to the story in the Bible where God instructs Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.
In this text, Rabbi Dr. Marc Shapiro discusses the influential figure of Rabbi Yosef Qafih, who was a leading Yemenite rabbi and scholar.
In this article by R. Dr. Harvey Belovski, the author explores the encounters between philosopher Baruch Spinoza and the rabbis of his time, highlighting their significant impact on the Jewish and philosophical worlds.
The text you provided appears to be a promotional message for an online Bet Midrash.
This text appears to be a promotion for a series of Talmud study sessions focused on Masekhet Sanhedrin (Tractate Sanhedrin) using the Geonic-Sepharadi methodology.
The article discusses the third part of the Sephardic Responsa for the Modern World series, focusing on Rabbi Haim David HaLevi.
In this text, R. Elie Abadie discusses the halakhic philosophy of classical Sepharadi poseqim (Jewish legal authorities).
The text is promoting a membership program for a virtual and physical Bet Midrash called The Habura.
In this video, Rabbi Steven Dansky discusses the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories and concepts, inspired by the teachings of Emeritus Chief Rabbi Sacks on the partnership of religious and scientific thinking.