
A Stanford University task force has detailed pervasive and harmful antisemitism on campus since October 7, with incidents ranging from social ostracization to direct acts of antisemitism against Jewish students.
In the final episode of the series on Rambam's 13 principles of faith, this podcast delves into the unresolved mysteries surrounding Resurrection.
The YouTube video features Rebbetzin Libbi Kakon discussing the treatment of disabled children by society.
Rabbi Garfield and Rabbi Schonfeld delve into the topic of mental health stigmas alongside Dr. Yossi Shafer PhD in a podcast episode.
Hebrew Union College's decision to admit and ordain students in interfaith relationships marks a significant shift in American Judaism, acknowledging the reality of the community it serves.
Columbia University has suspended three administrators for sending disparaging text messages during a panel about Jewish campus life.
Louisiana recently passed a law mandating the display of the Ten Commandments in every classroom of public schools and colleges, making it the only state with such a requirement.
Louisiana recently passed a bill requiring public classrooms to display the Ten Commandments, sparking concerns about the separation of religion and state.
In this episode, the focus is on various aspects of the Von Braun issue, along with insights into the speaker's father's college experiences and seizing opportunities.
Raef Zreik is an associate professor of jurisprudence at Ono Academic College in Israel, a senior researcher at the Jerusalem Van Leer Institute, and a former member of the executive committee of Balad, a predominantly Palestinian party in Israel.
Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry signed a law requiring Ten Commandments posters in all public school classrooms, sparking controversy and potential legal challenges on grounds of violating the Establishment Clause.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has released updated campus antisemitism report cards, incorporating recent events like pro-Palestinian activism, with some schools' grades changing.
An independent investigation into a New Jersey high school yearbook misprint, where a photo of Muslim students was mistakenly placed instead of the Jewish Student Union, concluded that it was an unfortunate error, not antisemitic.
Hebrew Union College, a prominent Reform rabbinical seminary, has decided to drop its longstanding ban on admitting and ordaining rabbinical students in interfaith relationships, aligning with the Reform movement's acceptance of intermarriage.
In a symposium on modesty in the modern age, Rabbi Reuven Brand emphasizes the importance of tzenius for meaningful lives in today's society.
A seasoned educator reflects on the evolution of teaching modesty (tzenius) to high school students, emphasizing a shift towards inner values and personal growth as opposed to solely focusing on outward appearance.
Dr. Zipora Schorr, director of education at Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School in Baltimore, discusses a new approach to teaching tzeniut (modesty) to a diverse student body, aiming for relevance and practicality while maintaining fidelity to Jewish law and values.
Tzenius, often translated as modesty, holds a deeper meaning revolving around an inner focus on spirituality and self-worth.
Gila Ross, an educator and podcaster, discusses the importance of accountability and thoughtful engagement on social media in a piece for a Jewish media outlet.
Award-winning author Sidura Ludwig's new children's book "Rising" centers on a Jewish child and their mother baking challah for Shabbat, inspired by Ludwig's own solace found in challah-making during the pandemic lockdown.
Joshua Hoffman, representing Future of Jewish, a digital publication aiming to enhance understanding of Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world, seeks support for their mission now offered free to a diverse audience globally.
The text discusses the idea that the charedi community is becoming dependent on donations from philanthropists in the US, particularly for their yeshivos and kollels, but argues that this may not be the best approach in the long run.
American Jewish University's investigation into allegations of a discriminatory and toxic culture at its Conservative movement rabbinical school did not reveal systemic issues, but acknowledged instances of sexism and homophobia experienced by some students.
Getting ready and packing for Jewish summer camp while discussing the American Jewish camping experience.
The Board of Deputies is expressing concerns about a potential VAT hike on private schools, particularly impacting Charedi families who rely on these schools for faith-based education.

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