
Living in the South where Jewish life is scarce, the author recounts the effort it takes to find and buy challah for Shabbat, reminiscent of their father's dedication to provide for the family.
Four pupils from Kisharon No School in Hendon, a Jewish educational institution for children with special needs, were honored with Jack Petchey awards for their exceptional achievements, presented by the Mayor of Barnet.
In a discussion led by Ari Wasserman involving various rabbis and experts, the topic of how to perceive and educate children about non-Jews and the non-Jewish world is examined.
The text discusses Agudah's appeal for funds to support Charedi yeshivos in Israel following a government subsidy cut.
An 18-year-old girl recently finished studying the Talmud in just two years, a remarkable feat involving 2,700 pages.
Future of Jewish is a publication aiming to provide education and connection on Judaism, Israel, and the Jewish world.
Hadassah is intensifying its efforts to combat rising antisemitism by collaborating with members of Congress to push for funding civil rights enforcement, defining antisemitism at the Department of Education, appointing a national coordinator to counter antisemitism in the White House, and enhancing Holocaust education in public schools nationwide.
London's Charedi leadership has called for a day of prayer in response to fears that new government measures could lead to increased regulation of yeshivot.
The author reflects on their parenting journey with six children, noting Jewish summer camp as a top decision for fostering Jewish identity in their kids despite facility shortcomings.
The terrorist attacks and subsequent war in Israel have highlighted the crucial role of engineers in shaping the country's postwar future.
The author recounts their experience approaching pro-Palestinian protestors during a pro-Israel rally at the University of California San Diego, initiating a respectful conversation to understand their perspective.
The Gateshead Council rejected proposals for a new four-story yeshivah in Newcastle due to concerns about its impact on neighbors, citing issues with design and lack of information.
The text features a debate regarding the workload comparison between yeshivah bochurim and frum Jewish mothers, particularly in relation to the issue of vaping among bochurim.
Rabbi Moshe Blaustein, known for his work in Jewish music and as a rebbi and camp director at Camp Agudah Toronto, shares insights into the power of songs and stories in creating memorable camp experiences.
Shabbos Kestenbaum, a Harvard graduate suing the university for not addressing campus antisemitism, spoke at the Republican National Convention about Harvard's illiberal culture and his support for Jewish and American values.
Nik Kafka, a British Jew, founded Teach A Man To Fish, a program aimed at helping young people develop entrepreneurial skills through school-based businesses.
The article discusses the author's experiences in supporting Jewish camps during a challenging time marked by antisemitism and conflict in Israel.
Ofsted reported that King David, Birmingham's sole Jewish school with a majority of Muslim pupils, faced community tensions impacting the school's harmonious atmosphere.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, Rabbi Yosef Bronstein discusses the philosophy of Chabad and the Lubavitcher Rebbe, focusing on what Orthodox Jews, particularly those outside the Lubavitch community, can learn from Chabad.
Jewish Boy Scouts completed a 100-mile hike and later saved a man's life on a plane by performing CPR after he went into cardiac arrest.
Riki Siton, a chareidi woman from Bnei Brak and program director at Ayelet Hashachar, is actively involved in providing support to families of hostages through the Mateh Mishpachot Hachatufim in Tel Aviv.
Rav Avraham Shmulevitz, a respected maggid shiur at Yeshivas Mir, passed away, leaving behind a legacy of love and devotion towards his students.
Rabbi Garfield and Rabbi Schonfeld discuss the significant decision parents face when choosing a mesivta for their sons, focusing on preparing children for success both in mesivta and beyond.
The text discusses the role of Rabbi Dr. Samuel Belkin, the second president of what is now Yeshiva University, in shaping American Modern Orthodoxy in the mid-20th century.
In an essay by Lisa Popik Coll and Gail Norry of Prizmah, they reflect on the transformative impact of billion-dollar gifts like those to medical schools by Ruth Gottesman and Michael Bloomberg, which eliminated tuition barriers.

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