Tag: The Ally

Josh Radnor reflects on his experience starring in the play "The Ally," where he plays a Jewish theater professor caught in a dilemma regarding his progressive values and allyship amidst issues surrounding Israel and Palestine.
"The Ally" is a new play by Itamar Moses that delves into campus politics and the complexities of solidarity when an Israeli American adjunct professor supports a Black student seeking justice for a police murder, intertwining the issues of Israel and Palestine.
Itamar Moses, following his Tony Award-winning musical "The Bands Visit," has two new plays premiering in New York: "Dead Outlaw" and "The Ally" at The Public Theater.
Itamar Moses' play, "The Ally," delves into the complexities of Israel, social justice, and activism on an American college campus.
"The Ally" is a new play opening in NYC that delves into Israel, antisemitism, and campus activism, following protagonist Asaf Sternheim, a playwright with complex feelings towards Israel.