Tag: The Habura

Dr. Lenn Evan Goodman, an American Jewish philosopher, engages in a conversation about Moreh HaNebukhim.
Rabbi Ilan Acoca explores the topic of charity laws, focusing on the laws of charity in Jewish tradition.
This article provides information about Rabbi Steven Dansky, the Rabbi of Cranbrook Synagogue, who is known for his focus on the interplay between traditional rabbinic ideas and psychological theories.
In this interview, Rabbi Shmuel Phillips discusses his new book, "Talmud Reclaimed."
Rabbi Joseph Dweck sends a message in light of the current war, emphasizing the importance of unity and spiritual strength during difficult times.
In "The Authenticity of Kabbalah: Letters between Rabbi Kook & Rabbi Qafih," author Ben Rothstein explores the correspondence between two influential Jewish rabbis regarding the authenticity of Kabbalah.
This text appears to be a description about Rabbi Steven Dansky, who is a rabbi at Cranbrook Synagogue.
In this video, Rabbi Steven Dansky discusses the sources for our berakhot (blessings) with Rabbi Yitzhak Berdugo.
In this discussion, Rabbi Joseph Dweck and Rabbi Dr. Samuel Lebens explore the topic of evil and suffering in Judaism.
Rabbi Yosef Bitton discusses the concept of creation and its interpretation in Jewish thought, specifically focusing on the peshat, or plain meaning, of the text.
In this article, Rabbi Hayyim Angel explores the topic of Torah and literalism.
Rabbi Hayyim Angel explores the relationship between Torah and archaeology in this source sheet.
Rabbi Hayyim Angel, a prominent Jewish scholar, explores the relationship between the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and superstition in this article.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses HaRambam's Introduction to Pereq Heleq (Part 1).
This text appears to be a promotional message for a Talmud study series called "Masekhet Sanhedrin (1) - R Abe Faur."
Rabbi Joseph Dweck gave a special shiur (lesson) in Hebrew, addressing various topics.
This is a promotional announcement for a Yom Kippur shiur (lecture) by Rabbi Joseph Dweck.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Senior Rabbi of the S&P Sephardi Community of the United Kingdom, discusses the concept of Providence/Hashgaa in the second part of a four-part episode.
Rabbi Joseph Dweck discusses the mission statement of The Habura, a virtual and physical Bet Midrash with international membership.
The text is advertising a new membership program for a virtual and physical Bet Midrash called The Habura.
In his discussion of HaRav Kook's insights, R. Joseph Dweck focuses on the concept of "perishut," which refers to asceticism or separation.
In "Tosafists & their Meta-Halakhic Agenda" by R. Chaim Rapoport, the author explores the intellectual agenda of the Tosafists, a group of medieval Jewish commentators, and their approach to halakhah (Jewish law).
In this discussion, Dayan Ofer Livnat explores the distinction between eternal and temporal commandments or misvot in Jewish tradition.
In this video, Rabbi Joseph Dweck explores the idea of whether the Amalekites, who are associated with the biblical story of Purim, can be considered the first existentialists.
In this video lecture by Dayan Ofer Livnat, the authority of the Midrash Halakha (interpretive teachings of the sages) is discussed.