Tag: Vladimir Putin

The article discusses the use of the word "obscene" in recent political and cultural contexts.
In this article, the author discusses the ongoing war in Ukraine and the effectiveness of Vladimir Putin's army.
This article discusses the Biden administration's attempts to blame Israel for the failure of their Ukraine policy.
This article discusses the complex relationship between Ukraine and Jews, particularly in light of the ongoing conflict with Russia.
In this conversation with journalist Julia Ioffe on Haaretz Weekend, she discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's surprise at the tough sanctions imposed by US President Joe Biden, but notes that the economic damage caused to Russia will not deter Putin from continuing the war in Ukraine.
In this article, Haaretz correspondents Yarden Michaeli and Judy Maltz share their experiences covering the Ukraine war and the people escaping the Russian attack.
Ukraine's President, Volodymyr Zelensky, has risen to the occasion as a wartime leader in the face of Russia's aggression.
Dani Dayan, chairman of Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center, expresses concern over the war in Ukraine and its impact on the memory of the Holocaust.
Russia's war in Ukraine is not going well for Moscow, which is beneficial for Western interests but may lead Putin to engage in a standoff with the West.
As Russia invades Ukraine, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has Jewish heritage, responds by comparing the invasion to Nazi Germany.
The author recounts their experience in Kyiv leading up to Vladimir Putin's invasion of Ukraine.
Vladislav Davidzon, founding editor of The Odessa Review and contributor to Tablet Magazine, provides a unique perspective on the situation in Ukraine, just hours before the Russian invasion began.
In this article, the author makes a plea to their German friends to reconsider their stance on the crisis in Ukraine.
As tensions rise with the Russian massing of troops on the Ukrainian border, Haaretz provides insight into the potential impact on both the Biden administration and Israel.
This article discusses the potential leverage that Vladimir Putin may have over Joe Biden.
Rita Moreno recently apologized for making comments deemed controversial in today's social climate, sparking discussions about the pressures of wokeness and public scrutiny.
The text discusses President Biden's comments about the GOP and Vladimir Putin during his visit to Europe, where he criticized the GOP and praised Putin, sparking controversy.
In "Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia," author Timothy M. Frye challenges the perception of Russia as uniquely autocratic under Vladimir Putin by arguing that the country's leadership is not entirely exceptional nor inherently predisposed to strongman rule.
In "Weak Strongman: The Limits of Power in Putin's Russia," Timothy M. Frye challenges the notion of Russia as a uniquely autocratic country under Vladimir Putin's rule.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron analyze three significant topics in Israel, including the controversial reactions to President Trump's peace plan, Prime Minister Netanyahu withdrawing his immunity request and facing charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust, and the implications of Netanyahu's recent interactions with Vladimir Putin.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss significant topics such as President Trump's controversial peace plan, Prime Minister Netanyahu withdrawing his request for immunity and facing formal charges of bribery and fraud, and the implications of Netanyahu's relationship with Vladimir Putin.
In a critical analysis of Russia's involvement in Syria, the author highlights Putin's defense of his ally Assad through air strikes targeting various opposition groups, not just the Islamic State.
Boris Nemtsov, a prominent Russian opposition leader, was assassinated near the Kremlin in Moscow in 2015.
The text discusses the complex historical and contemporary role of Ukrainian Jews in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, highlighting their involvement in the Maidan protests, the presence of controversial nationalist groups with anti-Semitic histories in Ukrainian politics, and instances of anti-Semitic violence in Ukraine.
A property dispute over a valuable library of religious books owned by the Lubavitcher Rebbe has led to tensions between Russian officials and Chabad representatives in the United States.