Tag: 20th Century

In his book "The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism," Martin Wolf explores how the shortcomings of the economic system in the late 20th century have impacted governance and vice versa.
In his new book "The Crisis of Democratic Capitalism," Martin Wolf explores how the shortcomings of the late 20th-century economic system have impacted governance and vice versa.
Timothy Brennan, a professor at the University of Minnesota, has authored a biography on Edward Said, a celebrated Palestinian-American scholar and public intellectual, who was also Brennan's former PhD advisor at Columbia University.
David N. Myers, a Jewish history professor at UCLA, and Benjamin Ravid, a professor at Brandeis University, shed light on the life and contributions of Simon Rawidowicz, an influential Jewish intellectual of the 20th century.
Professors David N. Myers and Benjamin Ravid reflect on the life and contributions of Simon Rawidowicz, a significant 20th-century Jewish intellectual, often overlooked, in a compilation of his key writings.