Tag: American Israel Education Foundation

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with ten members of the Congressional Black Caucus in Jerusalem in an attempt to improve his relationship with the Biden administration and Democrats.
Rep. Shri Thanedar of Michigan, who was once opposed by AIPAC due to his past stance on Israel, recently traveled to Israel with an AIPAC-affiliated group to learn more about the country and its challenges.
Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks, a newcomer to Jewish communal issues, is touting her progressive pro-Israel credentials in her bid to succeed Sen. Cardin in Maryland.
Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, a multifaceted public figure, explores her Jewish heritage, shaped in part by her father's Holocaust survival story.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas recently refused to meet with a Republican congressional delegation, shortly after meeting with a Democratic group during their visit to Israel.