
Survivors and community members gather at the site of the deadliest antisemitic attack in U.S. history at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh.
The article explores the multifaceted relationship between Jewish figures and the iconic character of Donald Duck, examining how different individuals, from Russian director Sergei Eisenstein to American comedian Sid Caesar, utilized Donald Duck for various purposes, including as a vehicle for teaching moral and propaganda lessons during and after World War II.
During World War II, Gilberto Bosques, as head of the Mexican Consulate in France, played a crucial role in helping leftists and Jews escape persecution by issuing exit visas and providing shelter in Marseille.
"Unspoken" is a debut film by Jeremy Borison, depicting the journey of a young Modern Orthodox Jewish teenager, Noam, as he navigates his coming out and coming of age experiences.
Margot Friedlnder, a 102-year-old Holocaust survivor, writer, and Vogue cover model, shares a message of unity and humanity in her feature with German Vogue.
Vogue Germany's latest cover features 102-year-old Holocaust survivor Margot Friedlnder, noted for her impeccable style and resilient spirit.
Josh Fox, a director whose family survived the Holocaust, shares his journey recovering from long COVID-19 through his new project "The Edge of Nature," a film and theatrical experience.
"The Piano Player of Budapest" by Roxanne de Bastion is a touching account of her grandfather Stephen, a Hungarian composer and musician known as the Piano Player of Budapest, who survived the Holocaust.
A recent UNESCO report, "AI and the Holocaust: Rewriting History?" highlights concerns about the use of AI, such as Google's generative search function, in providing information on Holocaust history.
In this episode of Unorthodox Guide to Summer, the hosts share their recommendations for TV shows, films, and books for the season.
Geddy Lee's memoir "My Effin Life" delves into the life of the renowned rock musician and child of Auschwitz survivors.
"The Gaon Code" by Rytis Sabas is a gripping novel intertwining Russian mobsters, Mossad agents, and an 18th-century Lithuanian rabbi known as the Vilna Gaon.
Anouk Aimé, born Nicole Françoise Florence Dreyfus, passed away at 92 in Paris, leaving behind a rich legacy in French cinema.
In 1985, President Ronald Reagan's visit to Bitburg, a German military cemetery containing graves of Waffen-SS members, sparked controversy as Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel and others urged him to reconsider honoring SS soldiers.
Owen Elliot-Kugell, daughter of the late Jewish singer Cass Elliot from The Mamas and the Papas, unravels the myths surrounding her mother's life and death in her book "My Mama, Cass."
During WWII, while the Gestapo rounded up Jews in other European countries, the Danish Jews had a different fate.
In the midst of challenging times faced by Jewish parents and grandparents, feelings of fear and anxiety are prevalent due to concerns about safety, antisemitism, and the ongoing conflict.
The text delves into the theme of wilful ignorance through the lens of Herman Wouk's character Leslie Slote in "The Winds of War", who tried to alert officials about the Holocaust but faced denial.
Dr. Roni Mikel-Arieli's book "Remembering the Holocaust in a Racial State: Holocaust Memory in South Africa from Apartheid to Democracy (1948-1994)" explores the complex interplay between Holocaust memory and apartheid in South Africa.
Larry Nussbaum, a dedicated pediatrician turned radiologist known for his cutting-edge work at Liberty Hospital in Kansas City, passed away at 77.
Jewish studies scholars in Ukraine are showcasing resilience and dedication amidst the ongoing crises in their country, highlighting valuable lessons for the global Jewish community.
The text discusses the controversy surrounding the inclusion of Israeli artists at The 60th Art Biennale di Venezia and the criticism faced by Israeli artist Ruth Patir, whose work addressing attacks in Israel was deemed unwelcome by some due to political considerations.
"Treasure" is a film featuring Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry portraying a father and daughter who visit Poland and Auschwitz after the fall of the Iron Curtain.
In the movie "Treasure," Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry portray a father and daughter duo, Edek and Ruth, who embark on a journey to Poland, exploring their family's Holocaust history.
Descendants of Holocaust survivors, part of a community called Generations Forward, are proactively engaging with their family trauma and sharing their stories to ensure the preservation of Holocaust education as survivors age.

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