
Archeologists have unearthed parts of the Great Synagogue of Vilna, the historic center of Lithuanian Jewish life destroyed by the Nazis and Soviets.
The Norwegian street artist Tddel created a mural in Bergen depicting Anne Frank wearing a keffiyeh, which stirred controversy with Jewish groups condemning it as anti-Israel and disrespectful to Holocaust memory.
The video features the remarkable story of Marthe Cohn, a French Jewish woman who served as a spy in Nazi Germany during World War II, sharing her experiences of crossing enemy lines and providing crucial intelligence to the French Army while posing as a German nurse.
Dr. Gisella Perl, a Jewish gynecologist in Auschwitz, performed clandestine abortions to save pregnant women from deadly experiments under Dr. Josef Mengele, ultimately saving many lives.
Hadassah is intensifying its efforts to combat rising antisemitism by collaborating with members of Congress to push for funding civil rights enforcement, defining antisemitism at the Department of Education, appointing a national coordinator to counter antisemitism in the White House, and enhancing Holocaust education in public schools nationwide.
Holocaust educator Alex Dancyg, known for his work at Yad Vashem, was abducted by Hamas from his home and confirmed dead in Gaza at 75.
"Irena's Gift: An Epic World War II Memoir of Sisters, Secrets, and Survival" by Karen Kirsten explores the experiences of Polish Jewish survivors and their descendants, shifting the focus from survivors to their progeny.
Doug Emhoff, the second gentleman and potentially the first first gentleman as well as the first Jewish spouse of an American president, has been praised for his genuine and emotionally expressive nature by journalist Laura E. Adkins.
"The Boy with the Star Tattoo" by Talia Carner is a historical fiction novel that interweaves three stories set in France and Israel, touching upon Holocaust-era tales, post-Holocaust Jewish orphan searches, and a clandestine Israeli mission in the 1960s.
This personal narrative explores the intergenerational trauma stemming from a mother's survival of the Holocaust and its impact on the author.
The text discusses the impact of recent events on the author's personal Jewish identity and the broader Jewish community.
Discover the story of Sara Raba of Bordeaux, a symbol of Jewish resilience in 18th century Portugal and France.
The text discusses the perspective of seeing Palestinian and Israeli lives as equal, pointing out issues within the Palestinian meta-narrative and the Nakba historiography.
The upcoming biopic "Lee" focuses on the life of American photographer Lee Miller during World War II and post-WWII, highlighting her powerful and groundbreaking work in documenting the war alongside Jewish Life photographer David E. Scherman.
Yitskhok Rudashevski, a 13-year-old Jewish boy in Vilna, began a diary in June 1941, detailing life in the ghetto as comfort and joy diminished due to war.
Peter Buxtun, a whistleblower who exposed the unethical Tuskegee syphilis study conducted on Black men, passed away at 86.
"The Commandant's Shadow" is a documentary by Daniela Völker that follows Hans Jürgen Höss, the son of Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz, as he grapples with his family's dark legacy of being associated with history's most prolific mass murderer.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, known for her sex therapy advice and survivor of the Holocaust, passed away at age 96, leaving a lasting impact on New York's Jewish community.
Dr. Ruth Westheimer, renowned as a sex expert, was remembered at her intimate funeral as a devoted mother, grandmother, and friend.
The text discusses the legacy of the Klausenburger Rebbe, Rabbi Yekusiel Yehudah Halberstam, who passed away 30 years ago.
Yitskhok Rudashevski, a teenager living in the Vilna ghetto from 1941 to 1943, kept a diary documenting Nazi atrocities, life in the ghetto, and the vibrant cultural activities that served as a form of resistance against the oppressors.
Anna Redman, a former contestant on The Bachelor and social media influencer, issued an apology after facing backlash for sharing a flippant Instagram story showcasing her planned outfit for a visit to Auschwitz.
Former Bachelor contestant Anna Redman issued an apology after facing backlash for posting a flippant Instagram story detailing her outfit plans for a visit to Auschwitz.
Chana reacts to a story of a woman's miraculous escape from the Nazis, highlighting a perspective not often portrayed in mainstream media.
Margit Anna, a Hungarian Jewish artist born in 1913, defied stereotypes and artistic norms prevalent during the conservative, antisemitic era of the early 20th century.

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