Tag: Arab Citizens

In 2023, Israel experienced a transformative year in politics with the birth of a movement aimed at strengthening liberal democracy.
The lack of a constitution in the Israeli political system has been a subject of debate.
In this interview, Mohammad Darawshe, an expert on Arab-Jewish relations in Israel, discusses the increasing violent crime and murder rates in Arab Israeli communities.
The author reflects on the challenging times in the Middle East but emphasizes the importance of creating joy for both Arab and Jewish citizens.
Shuli Dichter, an activist for Jewish-Arab equality in Israel, discusses his political memoir Sharing the Promised Land.
Shuli Dichter, a long-time advocate for a Jewish-Arab shared society in Israel, reflects on his political memoir, "Sharing the Promised Land: In Pursuit of Equality between Jewish and Arab Citizens in Israel."
The article discusses the author's disagreement with the focus on demographics in Jewish writings, particularly in relation to Israel's survival.