Tag: Centre For Israel And Jewish Affairs

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA), Canada's leading Jewish advocacy group, is facing criticism for opinion articles written by David Weinberg, the director of its office in Israel.
Thousands of Canadian Jews gathered on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to show their support for Israel and condemn the rise in antisemitism, despite facing challenges such as a foot of snow in Montreal and buses not showing up in Toronto.
Daniel Koren, a former member of various Jewish organizations in Canada, has founded a new group called Allied Voices for Israel to combat anti-Jewish hatred by promoting Zionism on college campuses through trips to Israel, media fellowships, and summer retreats.
The House of Commons Foreign Affairs and International Development Committee adopted a motion by NDP's Heather McPherson to hold hearings on fostering peace between Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza in response to recent violence.
The podcast discusses a variety of topics, including the use of psychedelics like LSD to address psychological distress, with Rabbi Zac Kamenetz advocating for their integration into Jewish life.
Canadian Jewish leaders are expressing concerns about Israel's new government, expected to be led by Benjamin Netanyahu and composed of right-wing politicians with controversial views.
Canadian Diversity Minister Ahmed Hussen has denounced and withdrawn a grant from a government-funded project after discovering antisemitic tweets from senior consultant Laith Marouf.