Tag: Covid 19 Vaccine

The Haredi newspaper Hamodia has faced criticism for running an ad promoting baseless conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines.
The article discusses the issue of censorship on social media platforms in the United States.
Christian Scientists, a faith community that believes in divine healing, have an ambivalent attitude towards the COVID-19 vaccine.
The article discusses the "Palestinian vaccine fiasco," highlighting how a deal between Israel and the Palestinian Authority to transfer Pfizer vaccines to the Palestinians was abruptly canceled due to negative social media backlash.
Israel's successful vaccination program against COVID-19 is being closely watched as a potential model for other countries.
The issue of vaccine triage and allocation in the context of limited COVID-19 vaccine doses is discussed from a Jewish perspective.
In this podcast episode, Nickolay Mladenov, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, discusses his work in promoting peace between Israel and the Palestinians.