Tag: Daniel Schwammenthal

The European Union has announced a new strategy to combat antisemitism, raising questions about its potential impact on Jews in Europe and diaspora communities outside the continent.
In this episode, Daniel Schwammenthal discusses the implications of Ebrahim Raisi, a hardline cleric known as the Butcher of Tehran, being chosen as Iran's new president.
Daniel Schwammenthal discusses the challenges faced by Jewish life in Belgium due to rising antisemitism and AJC's efforts to combat it in Europe, while Ambassador Matan Vilnai, Israel's former envoy to China, delves into the dynamics of China-Israel relations and its implications for Israel's future.
Imam Mohamed Magid, a prominent imam in America, and AJC Transatlantic Institute Director Daniel Schwammenthal discuss Islam in America, Muslim-Jewish relations, and the recent publication of an anti-Semitic cartoon by The New York Times in a podcast by AJC Passport.
In a recent AJC Passport episode, discussions focused on Congress's actions against the BDS movement with a bill targeting those involved in anti-Israel boycott campaigns.
As the deadline for the Iran nuclear deal nears, President Trump must decide whether or not to waive sanctions on Iran.