Tag: Donniel Hartman

This article discusses the ongoing protests in Israel against a proposed judicial overhaul.
On the 28th consecutive week of protests against a proposed judicial overhaul in Israel, supporters, including Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain, gathered in Jerusalem to voice their concerns.
In this discussion, Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain delve into the subject of Israeli settlers in the West Bank.
Israel's settlers in the West Bank hold significant influence in Israeli politics and global affairs.
After prolonged weekly protests in Israel, concerns about protest fatigue arise.
In this article, the authors discuss the recent protest movement in Israel and the challenge of sustaining its momentum.
Israel's Haredi community has experienced a significant increase in power and influence, moving from the political periphery to the center of Israeli public debate.
In recent years, Israel's Haredi community has shifted from the political margins to a position of significant power and influence, sparking debates about its impact on mainstream Israeli society.
The discussion explores whether Zionists can address the Nakba, the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, while also upholding Israel's legitimacy.
In this article, the authors discuss the dilemma faced by Zionists when it comes to acknowledging the Nakba, or "catastrophe," referring to the displacement of Palestinians during the establishment of Israel.
The religious Zionist community, comprising 10% of Israel's population, is becoming increasingly influential and is transitioning from a focus on security and settlement issues to being central in the government's judicial reform efforts.
In this text, the authors discuss the evolving nature of the religious Zionist demographic in Israel.
As Israel approaches its 75th anniversary, many Israelis are feeling anxious about the future.
As Israel approaches its 75th anniversary, there is anxiety in Israeli society about the potential impact of judicial reform on democracy and the unity of a divided Jewish population.
In this discussion between Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi, the question of whether funding from Jews in the Diaspora is problematic is explored.
Donniel Hartman and Yossi Klein Halevi discuss the complexities of funding from Jews in the Diaspora for Israel and question if there are situations where such support may be problematic.
The recent protests in Israel have led to a pause in the government's judicial reform, raising questions about whether the current government can be trusted to implement necessary reforms.
The recent massive protests in Israel have caused Netanyahu's government to halt its judicial reform plans temporarily.
President Herzog has called on the Netanyahu-led government to abandon its judicial overhaul plan and resume discussions with the opposition, but the government has ignored this plea and is pushing forward with its legislative agenda.
Recently, in the town of Huwara in the West Bank, two Israeli brothers were fatally shot by a gunman, leading to a violent rampage by Jewish settlers who destroyed property in retaliation.
The recent events in the West Bank town of Huwara, where two Israeli brothers were shot and killed by a gunman, have sparked a violent response from Jewish settlers.
In this article, Yossi Klein Halevi, Matti Friedman, and Daniel Gordis argue that Diaspora Jews should be involved in Israel's internal debates.
In an open letter by Yossi Klein Halevi, Matti Friedman, and Daniel Gordis, the question is raised whether Diaspora Jews should engage in Israel's internal debates.
The recent escalation of violence, notably a deadly terrorist attack in Neve Yaakov, coincides with a political climate where Netanyahu's government opposes a two-state solution, opting for settlement expansion and potential annexation.
In this episode, Jewish scholars Donniel Hartman, Yossi Klein Halevi, and Elana Stein Hain discuss the implications of Prime Minister Netanyahu's plans to weaken the judiciary in Israel.