Tag: Ehud Olmert

Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and far-right ministers in Haaretz, suggesting their actions led to heightened conflict with Palestinians.
In this episode, hosts Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida discuss two main topics.
In a podcast episode featuring Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Ohad Zeltzer-Zubida, the discussion revolves around the topics of Naftali Bennett's leadership, Benjamin Netanyahu suing Ehud Olmert, and a light-hearted anecdote from Israel that brought a smile.
In this discussion, Allison, Don, and Noah cover various crucial topics in Jewish and Israeli politics.
In the "Did Peace Slip Through Our Fingers?" edition, Allison, Don, and Noah delve into three crucial topics.
In a recent discussion comparing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Winston Churchill in handling the Iranian nuclear agreement, the article argues that Netanyahu's approach has been ineffective and lacking Churchill's wisdom.