Tag: Eli Kowaz

In this podcast episode, hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz talk about the divisions within the Israeli center-left parties Kachol Lavan and Labor-Gesher-Meretz regarding the possibility of an emergency unity government.
After three consecutive Knesset elections in Israel, political leaders are stuck in a stalemate further complicated by the coronavirus pandemic, causing significant uncertainty.
With the Israeli elections approaching, the possibility of a right-wing majority under Netanyahu or a coalition led by Benny Gantz is debated.
Eli Kowaz discusses the borders outlined in the Trump administration's Peace to Prosperity plan with analyst Dan Rothem, based in Tel Aviv.
The Trump administration's Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, long delayed, is now reportedly imminent, leading to speculation whether it is a genuine proposal or a political move against Netanyahu's rival, Benny Gantz.
In the podcast episode, Evan Gottesman, Eli Kowaz, and Margaux Nijkerk talk about the deadline drama surrounding party registrations for the upcoming March election.
In a podcast episode titled "Israel in 2020: Five Things to Watch," hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz highlight five key issues that will have a significant impact on Israeli politics, U.S.-Israel relations, and the potential for a two-state solution in the coming year.
Eli Kowaz and Margaux Nijkerk talk about Benjamin Netanyahu's significant victory over challenger Gideon Sa'ar in the primary election.
The Israel Policy Pod hosts discuss the Likud primary and its potential impact on the upcoming March Knesset election results on their recent episode.
The discussion focuses on the Democratic Party primary race and the idea of conditioning American aid to Israel.
The podcast discusses Israel's ongoing political deadlock and the potential future implications of Prime Minister Netanyahu's continued leadership for the U.S.-Israel relationship.
Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, is facing a challenging time with legal issues, pre-indictment hearings, and political setbacks despite being given the chance to form a government.
In a podcast following the Israeli elections, hosts analyze the Joint List's surprising endorsement of Benny Gantz for prime minister, Avigdor Liberman's unpredictable actions, and Gantz's strategy of letting Benjamin Netanyahu attempt to form a government first.
In a post-election analysis following Israel's second election of 2019, hosts Evan Gottesman, Eli Kowaz, and Margaux Nijkerk discuss the Knesset contest results, acknowledging that the exact outcome may shift as more ballots are tallied.
With the Israeli elections approaching, the hosts discuss Prime Minister Netanyahu's push for annexation, the Trump administration's support for him, and Benny Gantz's views on territorial compromise.
With Israel's election approaching on September 17, hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz discuss the recent developments in the campaign season.
In this discussion, hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz explore three possible outcomes of an election in Israel: a unity government, a center-left coalition, and a right-wing coalition.
Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz provide an overview of the major political parties participating in the upcoming September Knesset elections in Israel.
In this podcast episode, the host and guest analyze the merger between Meretz, Barak, and Shaffir on the Israeli left and its impact.
Eli Kowaz and Michael Koplow discuss Ayelet Shaked's return to lead the New Right party and other current Israeli election updates.
As the final party registration deadline nears in Israel, hosts Evan Gottesman and Eli Kowaz provide updates on the Labor, Meretz, and Arab parties.
In this podcast episode, Eli Kowaz discusses the Trump administration's workshop in Bahrain with Joel Braunold from ALLMEP, focusing on its implications.
Host Eli Kowaz and guest Uri Keidar, executive director of Israel Hofsheet, delved into how the relationship between synagogue and state will impact the Knesset race.
In a discussion about Israel's second election of 2019, Policy Director Michael Koplow and host Evan Gottesman analyze the political landscape.
The podcast discusses the "ultimate deal" plan proposed by the incoming Trump administration, focusing on its details and implications.