Tag: First World War

Etgar Quiz no 262 tests knowledge of Jewish history and culture.
Isaac Rosenberg, an English-born son of Jewish Lithuanian immigrants, was a talented artist and poet who served in the British Army during World War I. Despite his immense talent, Rosenberg's working-class Jewish identity made it difficult for him to gain recognition in the canon of English poetry.
In his book, "Jews and Palestinians in the Late Ottoman Era, 1908-1914," Dr. Louis Fishman challenges common beliefs about politics and identity in Palestine before the First World War.
Dr. Louis Fishman, a historian specializing in modern Turkey and Israel/Palestine, challenges traditional views on politics and identity in Palestine from 1908-1914 in his book "Jews and Palestinians in the Late Ottoman Era."
Gregory Wallance's book "The Woman Who Fought an Empire: Sarah Aaronsohn and her Nili Spy Ring" sheds light on the remarkable story of Sarah Aaronsohn, a young Jewish woman who led a pro-British spy ring in Palestine during World War I, defying the Ottoman authorities.