
"Welcome to Yiddishland" is a new documentary by Ros Horin that explores an international community of artists dedicated to Yiddish language and culture, showcasing musicians, actors, and writers from various backgrounds who use Yiddish as a creative source.
Francesca Segal's novel "Welcome to Glorious Tuga" is a delightful beach read set on an imaginary island populated by descendants of Brazilian Jews, incorporating elements of Jewish culture like Ladino language, Hebrew phrases, and dybbuk stories.
The exhibition "Kafka: Making of an Icon" at the Bodleian Library commemorates the 100th anniversary of Franz Kafka's death by showcasing his literary notebooks, manuscripts, and personal items, including his fascination with Jewishness, Zionism, and Yiddish theater.
Ken Burns delivered a commencement speech at Brandeis University, urging the power of stories to generate empathy and challenge assumptions, while highlighting the significance of Yiddish and Isaac Bashevis Singer in American culture.
Steph and Ayesha Curry recently welcomed their fourth child, Caius Chai Curry.
An opera called "The Great Dictionary of the Yiddish Language" brings to life the story of Yudel Mark and Max Weinreich, who spent 25 years working on a Yiddish dictionary that remained incomplete.
"Sigmund Freud's relationship with Judaism and how he was embraced by Jewish admirers are explored in Naomi Seidman's book 'Translating the Jewish Freud.' She highlights how Freud, originally seen as assimilated, had his works translated into Yiddish and Hebrew by enthusiastic devotees in the 1930s, aiming to connect him to his Jewish heritage amidst rising antisemitism in Europe. Despite not being able to read these translations, Freud valued them and even waived royalties. The translations, although sometimes old-fashioned, aimed to affirm Freud's Jewish roots. Notable translators like Max Weinreich and Yehuda Dvir Dvossis played essential roles in this effort, underscoring Freud's Jewish identity. This act of translating Freud into Jewish languages symbolically affirmed his connection to Judaism amidst historical tragedies, offering a resolute affirmation of his Jewish identity."
In 1800, Sampson Simson, a 21-year-old Jewish graduate of Columbia College, delivered a commencement oration in Hebrew at St. Paul's Church in Manhattan, underlining the history and significance of New York's Jewish community.
The journalist Michael Gawenda reflects on his evolving relationship with Zionism and Jewish identity in his autobiography "My Life as a Jew."
Yizkor books, compiled by survivors after WWII, serve as crucial documents of pre-war Jewish life and the Holocaust, containing firsthand accounts and vital details for genealogists.
The name Elijah has seen a significant rise in popularity as a baby boy's name in the U.S. since 2016, becoming one of the top 10 names.
Sidney Joseph Perelman, a prominent Jewish humorist, is being revisited through new editions of his works by the Library of America series, prompting reflections on his relevance today.
In the summer of 1939 at Camp Tamiment, a predominantly Jewish resort, a Yiddish parody of Gilbert and Sullivan's 'The Mikado' was staged, featuring notable performers like Danny Kaye and Jerome Robbins.
Edmund Wilson, a prominent literary critic, delved into the study of Hebrew in the 1950s, merging his familial connections to Presbyterian and scholarly traditions with a newfound interest in Jewish intellectualism as reflected in his visits to Israel and writings on Jewish authors like S.Y. Agnon.
Deborah Zoe Laufer's play "The Last Yiddish Speaker" presents a dystopian world where a Christian Nationalist surveillance state targets Jews, gays, and women, forcing a Jewish family to hide their identity and navigate dangerous circumstances.
Kratsborsht is an old Jewish delicacy made from fish sperm called milt.
Descendants of hidden Jews in Asia, particularly the Macanese in Macau, China, and the Kristang people in Singapore and Malaysia, are mixed-heritage creole communities who maintain unique languages inherited from their Sephardic Jewish ancestors forced to convert to Catholicism in the 16th century to escape the Inquisition.
Miriam Isaacs is the Yiddish language coach for the play "Hester Street," a drama set in the world of Jewish immigrant life in New York.
The article discusses the reasons behind the prevalence of Yiddish words in English with German spellings.
The writer, an Israeli-American immigrant, reflects on their accent and fear of being perceived as a foreigner due to their proficient English, lacking a distinctive Israeli accent.
Etgar Quiz no 262 tests knowledge of Jewish history and culture.
Rashi script, a cursive script used by early printers to distinguish Rashi's commentary from the Biblical text, has no connection to Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki himself, who likely couldn't read it.
The April cover of The Atlantic features Yiddish slogans alongside English text, recalling the heyday of American Yiddish theater, to discuss Franklin Foer's article on the challenges facing American Jews.
A campaign has been launched to knit scarves for hostages in Gaza as reported in the Yiddish news brief "Tidbits."
The American Ladino League has emerged as a new center for studying Ladino, the Romance language with roots in medieval Spain and significant influence from Hebrew, Turkish, Arabic, and other languages.

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