Tag: Hasbara

Israel is facing challenges in its public relations efforts, with experts pointing to a lack of coordinated messaging and strategy as a major issue.
A recent Israeli ad featured on Hulu portrays an idealized version of Gaza with images of a Mediterranean paradise, highlighting aspects like DJs, hotels, and happy people, concluding with a call to "Visit Gaza. Without Hamas."
Eylon Levy, an Israeli government spokesperson, gained popularity and criticism after a viral video in which he raised his eyebrows in response to a question about Palestinian lives.
Omer Benjakob, a technology correspondent at Haaretz, discusses the disinformation war happening online where Israel is losing.
This article discusses the need to engage younger Jews in a more personal and individualized way when it comes to Israel advocacy.
In a discussion led by Don, Noah, and journalist Naomi Zeveloff, three main topics were covered: the divide between Israel's economic elite and political elite, the mainstreaming of the radical Cinematheque in Tel Aviv, and a new government funding app designed to combat BDS.
Dr. Ron Schleifer discusses the concept of hasbara, a form of propaganda used in the Israeli-Arab conflict, in an interview with Gilad Halpern.
The article discusses the challenges Israel faces in its public relations efforts due to incidents like the killing of four children playing soccer on a Gaza beach by Israeli shells during Operation Protective Edge.