Tag: Hebrew Bible

Ilana Pardes, the author of the biography "Ruth: A Migrant's Tale," explores the story of Ruth in the Book of Ruth, highlighting her transformation from a foreigner to the founding mother of the Davidic dynasty.
Rabbi Meir Soloveichik, in a recent podcast discussion with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver, explores the enduring symbols of Jerusalem.
Lawrence M. Wills' book "Introduction to the Apocrypha: Jewish Books in Christian Bibles" challenges the common categorization of the Apocrypha as non-canonical Jewish texts.
Dr. Malka Simkovich, an expert in Second Temple Judaism, discusses the significance of belief and observance in the history of the Jewish people in a podcast episode.
The Great Synagogue of Aleppo, one of the most significant synagogues in the Jewish world, was destroyed in the conflict between the Assad government and rebels in 2016.
Zohar Atkins, a philosopher, rabbi, and writer, discusses the concept of equality in Western intellectual tradition.
Zohar Atkins, a philosopher, rabbi, and writer, discusses the concept of equality in this podcast episode.
Yuval Levin, editor of National Affairs, explores the concept of freedom in the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative.
Yuval Levin discusses the concept of freedom in relation to the Passover holiday and the Exodus narrative.
This text discusses the concept of Torah u-Madda (Torah and secular studies) in the Modern Orthodox community.
The author discusses the differences between the Hebrew and Greek versions of the book of Esther.
In a discussion with Jonathan Silver, Michael Eisenberg, an Israeli venture capitalist and author, challenges the notion that the Hebrew Bible separates the pursuit of wealth from ethical conduct.
Peter Kreeft, a Catholic philosopher, discusses the philosophical themes in the book of Ecclesiastes during an interview with Mosaic editor Jonathan Silver.
The article explores the similarities between the biblical book of Ecclesiastes and Shakespeare's play Hamlet.
The author explores the prohibition of planting during the Nine Days and its significance in mourning the destruction of the Temples.
In their book Reading Ruth: Birth, Redemption, and the Way of Israel, Leon Kass and Hannah Mandelbaum provide a commentary on the biblical book of Ruth.
"The Beginning of Politics" by Leon R. Kass is a book that approaches the biblical book of Exodus as an integrated whole, challenging the prevalent view of it being a collection of fragments.
John Barton's book, "A History of the Bible," offers a comprehensive overview of the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament, tracing their interpretation and translation through history.
The article reflects on the complex character of Shylock from Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" through a Jewish lens, particularly focusing on the symbol of circumcision and its metaphorical implications in the play.
The anthology "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land: The Hebrew Bible in the United States: A Sourcebook" explores the significant influence of the Hebrew Bible on American history, challenging the notion of it being an ancient and irrelevant text.
"Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land: The Hebrew Bible in the United States: A Sourcebook" delves into the deep American biblical tradition, emphasizing the Hebrew Bible's significant impact on American political thought.
Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land, edited by Rabbi Meir Y. Soloveichik and others from Yeshiva University, delves into the profound influence of the Hebrew Bible on the founding and development of America.
The text delves into the concept of the leviathan, exploring its rich meanings in English literature and its origins in Hebrew biblical texts.
The text discusses the concept of redemption in Jewish thought, emphasizing the importance of personal responsibility and human intervention in creating positive change rather than waiting for a perfect savior.
Robert Alter's work in translating the Hebrew Bible is explored in Raphael Magarik's discussion, highlighting Alter's efforts to humanize and secularize the Bible through his literary translations.