Tag: Hindu Nationalism

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently inaugurated the Ram Mandir, a massive new temple built on the site where the Babri Masjid mosque stood until it was violently destroyed by Hindu nationalists in 1992.
In her book "Colonizing Kashmir: State-Building Under Indian Occupation," historian Hafsa Kanjwal argues that India has maintained an occupation in Kashmir since 1947.
The article features Aparna Gopalan, news editor of Jewish Currents, who discusses the rise of Hindu nationalism within Hindu diaspora communities and explores the utilization of the pro-Israel playbook by Hindu nationalists.
In this video, the speaker discusses the Israeli government's control over the Palestinians in the West Bank who lack basic rights such as citizenship and the right to vote.
Indian ethnonationalists have been learning from Israel advocates in their pursuit of political power in the United States.
US President Joe Biden's warm reception of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his recent state visit has drawn criticism from human rights advocates.