Jewish Currents Examining the ADL’s Antisemitism Audit - A line-by-line reassessment of the organization’s data illuminates the flaws in its methodology. 17 Jun
The ADL's Antisemitism Audit, which tracks antisemitic incidents in the US, has come under scrutiny for its methodology. In 2023, out of 16,040 incidents tra...
17 Jun
Jewish Currents Self-Rule Without Sovereignty - Political scientist Diana B. Greenwald on the promises and pitfalls of Palestinian local governance in the shadow of Israeli occupation. 17 Jun
Political scientist Diana B. Greenwald discusses Palestinian local governance under Israeli occupation, showcasing how even at the local level, Palestinian l...
17 Jun
Jewish Currents “In the Middle of Fighting for Freedom We Found Ourselves Free” - June Jordan’s 1993 tribute to Audre Lorde, her sister-in-arms from the ’60s student protests and beyond 29 May
June Jordan's 1993 tribute to Audre Lorde reflects on their shared activism in the Civil Rights and Black Power movements, particularly during student protes...
29 May
Jewish Currents The Complicity of Israeli Academia - Scholar Maya Wind discusses Israeli universities’ longstanding role in Palestinian subjugation. 23 May
Maya Wind discusses the complicity of Israeli academia in Palestinian subjugation and the ongoing occupation. She highlights how Israeli universities have hi...
23 May
Jewish Currents After More Than 100 Arms Shipments to Israel, Biden Withholds One - Experts say the administration’s attempt to “send a message” to Israel falls flat as it skirts legal requirements to cut off arms transfers. 16 May
President Biden announced on CNN that the US would halt certain arms shipments to Israel following civilian casualties in Gaza. While some Republicans critic...
16 May
Jewish Currents The Right’s Anti-Israel Insurgents - A burgeoning anti-Zionist strain in the America First movement looks to capitalize on popular disaffection over Palestine for its own ends. 15 May
A growing anti-Zionist sentiment within the America First movement, as exemplified by Tucker Carlson’s interview with Palestinian Pastor Munther Isaac, is ch...
15 May
Jewish Currents Yiddish Anarchists' Break Over Palestine - An exchange in the anarchist newspaper <em>Di fraye arbeter shtime</em> after the 1929 Hebron massacre offers a case study in Jewish discourse and political reaction after immense violence. 10 May
An exchange in the anarchist newspaper "Di fraye arbeter shtime" following the 1929 Hebron massacre delves into Jewish discourse and political reactions. An ...
10 May
Jewish Currents The Anti-Union Lobby’s Newest Weapon - Now armed with cynical antisemitism allegations, the corporate-backed effort to destroy unions is ramping up. 10 May
Anti-union forces are utilizing cynical allegations of antisemitism to undermine labor unions, as seen in lawsuits against the Association of Legal Aid Attor...
10 May
Jewish Currents Reviving the Language of Empire - Aziz Rana on revisiting the anti-imperialism of the 1960s and ’70s amid the return of left internationalism. 9 May
Aziz Rana discusses revisiting the anti-imperialism of the 1960s and 70s amidst the resurgence of left internationalism. He challenges the idea that the radi...
9 May
Jewish Currents Who Has the Right to “Disrupt” the University? - The very administrators now cracking down on student protests’ “disruptiveness” have been dismantling higher education for decades. 3 May
Administrators at various universities, including Columbia, have taken harsh measures against student protesters seeking divestment from Israel, leading to h...
3 May
Jewish Currents Campus in Crisis - 3 May
The comic "Put Up, Take Down" by Solomon Brager portrays a hostage poster diary, highlighting the theme of a campus in crisis. Through the illustrations, Bra...
3 May
Jewish Currents Anatomy of a Moral Panic - The repressive machine currently arrayed against campus protests follows a familiar pattern. 2 May
Pro-Palestine student protests on college campuses are met with violent crackdowns, justified by some mainstream media as necessary to combat alleged antisem...
2 May
Jewish Currents How Much Must We Sacrifice for Justice? - An investigation through Jewish text, in the wake of Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation for Gaza 26 Apr
This text explores the concept of sacrifice and justice through Jewish texts in the aftermath of Aaron Bushnell's self-immolation for Gaza. The discussion de...
26 Apr
Jewish Currents Weird Passover - 19 Apr
Hal Schrieve, a librarian in New York, considers Leslie Feinberg's Drag King Dreams to be their most relevant religious text. Schrieve's first book, Out of S...
19 Apr
Jewish Currents Co-Resistance at a Crossroads - As anti-Palestinian violence in the West Bank reaches new heights, a beleaguered movement gathers to reflect. 16 Apr
The article discusses a gathering of Palestinian and Israeli activists involved in civil resistance in the West Bank, particularly in the Masafer Yatta regio...
16 Apr
Jewish Currents Weeping for Babylon - Avi Shlaim discusses the factors behind the exodus of Iraqi Jews and how the concept of the “Arab-Jew” can chart an alternative future. 15 Apr
Avi Shlaim's discussion of the exodus of Iraqi Jews sheds light on the abrupt dissolution of Jewish life in Iraq following the establishment of Israel, which...
15 Apr
Jewish Currents “Nothing Is Immutable” - Literary scholar Saree Makdisi discusses Zionism’s structures of denial, imperial racial logics, and the horizon of coexistence. 12 Apr
Literary scholar Saree Makdisi delves into Zionism's denial tactics, imperial racial logics, and the potential for coexistence. He criticizes the suppression...
12 Apr
Jewish Currents Weaponization and Denial - Since October 7th, Israel’s use of evidentiary claims as justification for its devastation of Gaza has fed a countervailing strain of untruth. 10 Apr
In the aftermath of the October 7th attacks in Gaza, Israeli documentaries like #NOVA and Bearing Witness aim to provide evidence and counter denial of the v...
10 Apr
Jewish Currents Chuck Schumer and Democrats’ New Line on “Netanyahu’s War” - The majority leader’s recent speech exemplifies his party’s effort to isolate Netanyahu and pacify voters without changing policy. 26 Mar
Senator Chuck Schumer, the Democratic majority leader, recently criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's handling of the conflict in Gaza, call...
26 Mar
Jewish Currents Facing Amalek - Reading the biblical injunction to genocide amid a genocide 22 Mar
This article explores the complex and contentious topic of the biblical mandate to destroy Amalek while examining its modern-day implications in light of Isr...
22 Mar
Jewish Currents Between Exclusion and Exploitation - Israel’s far right wants to permanently replace Palestinian workers, but employing them has become key to maintaining the occupation. 20 Mar
The article discusses the ongoing debate in Israel regarding the employment of Palestinian workers, with far-right leaders calling for their permanent remova...
20 Mar
Jewish Currents The Suppressed Lineage of American Jewish Dissent on Zionism - In his recent book <em>Our Palestine Question</em>, historian Geoffrey Levin uncovers the long history of American Jewish concern for Palestinian rights. 13 Mar
Geoffrey Levin's book "Our Palestine Question" sheds light on the suppressed American Jewish dissent on Zionism and concern for Palestinian rights dating bac...
13 Mar
Jewish Currents Israeli Aid Policies Drive Starvation - US initiatives to airdrop and ship aid to Gaza are logistical workarounds to a political problem. 12 Mar
President Biden announced the establishment of a temporary sea pier to deliver humanitarian aid to starving Palestinians in Gaza, with the US military alread...
12 Mar
Jewish Currents “A Counterrevolution Always Comes” - Vincent Bevins on the lessons that the global mass protests of the 2010s hold for our moment. 6 Mar
Vincent Bevins discusses the global mass protests of the 2010s and their lessons for current movements, like the recent pro-Palestine protests. He highlights...
6 Mar
Jewish Currents Understanding Biden’s Settler Sanctions Strategy - The administration’s sanctions on Israeli settlers are an attempt to mollify its disillusioned base without confronting the Israeli government. 5 Mar
President Joe Biden's recent sanctions targeting Israeli settlers involved in violence in the West Bank are seen as an attempt to address domestic discontent...
5 Mar
Jewish Currents Maqam for a Green Silence - "Al-Khidr’s only condition for the prophet to join him on his journey was Moses’ unconditional silence. Moses said he was up for it, and the saint said, 'You won’t be able to bear it.'" 1 Mar
In "Maqam for a Green Silence," the text explores the concept of silence as seen in the Quranic story of Moses meeting the Servant of God. Moses is asked to ...
1 Mar
Jewish Currents Pro-Palestine Politics Hit a Wall in Keir Starmer’s Labour Party - The leadership of the UK’s main opposition party has managed to contain internal dissent over Israel’s war on Gaza. 27 Feb
The Labour Party in the UK, under Keir Starmer's leadership, has faced internal challenges regarding its stance on Israel's actions in Gaza. Starmer has mana...
27 Feb
Jewish Currents Put Up, Take Down - A hostage poster diary comic 26 Feb
Yoram Hazony, the founder of the National Conservative movement, views Israel as a model for international nationalist movements despite its illiberal tenden...
26 Feb
Jewish Currents “The Scenes in Rafah Are Straight From a Nightmare” - Three displaced Palestinians describe unlivable conditions in a city bracing for imminent Israeli invasion. 20 Feb
Three displaced Palestinians from Rafah in Gaza describe the dire and unlivable conditions in the city as they brace for an imminent Israeli invasion. One re...
20 Feb
Jewish Currents Israel's Crackdown on Hebron - Intensified restrictions on Palestinian life in the West Bank city, introduced after October 7th, could become permanent and even spread elsewhere. 13 Feb
Israel has intensified its crackdown on Palestinians in the West Bank city of Hebron since October 7th, with increased violence and repression. Israeli settl...
13 Feb
Jewish Currents The Campaign to Abolish UNRWA - The recent defunding of the aid agency is part of a longstanding effort to extinguish Palestinian refugees’ dreams of return. 13 Feb
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which has been providing essential services to Palestinian refugees since 1949, is facing a campaign to a...
13 Feb
Jewish Currents J Street’s Pro-War Stance Prompts Staff Departures - The liberal Zionist lobbying group’s support for Israel’s assault on Gaza has sparked staff dissent and alienated onetime allies. 9 Feb
Staff departures at J Street, a liberal Zionist lobbying group, have been prompted by the organization's support for Israel's assault on Gaza. Several employ...
9 Feb
Jewish Currents What the Israeli Public Doesn’t See - In largely ignoring the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, the Israeli media both shapes and reflects public opinion. 7 Feb
The Israeli media has been largely ignoring the suffering of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, which is shaping and reflecting public opinion. Israeli news chan...
7 Feb
Jewish Currents An Israeli “Buffer Zone” Could Shape Gaza’s Post-War Reality - By creating a militarized border area inside Gaza, Israel has started shrinking the Palestinian territory while opening the door for future Jewish settlements. 6 Feb
Israel has begun creating a militarized buffer zone along the Gaza Strip border, which could lead to the shrinking of Palestinian territory and the potential...
6 Feb
Jewish Currents What the UAW Ceded in Endorsing Biden - Union leaders have not only betrayed their ceasefire call, but also backtracked on their fight to redefine the labor movement as a truly political force. 2 Feb
The United Auto Workers (UAW) endorsed President Joe Biden for re-election despite previously calling for a permanent ceasefire in Israel/Palestine. This dec...
2 Feb
Jewish Currents “You Cannot Study Israel Without Palestine” - A conversation with the editors of the new academic journal <em>Palestine/Israel Review</em>, which advocates a “relational approach” to studying the region’s intertwined histories. 31 Jan
The article discusses the emergence of a new academic journal called Palestine/Israel Review, which advocates for a relational approach to studying the inter...
31 Jan
Jewish Currents “Even as We Are Trying to Help, We Are Being Attacked” - Three humanitarian workers in Gaza describe the challenges of providing aid while struggling to survive. 23 Jan
This article discusses the challenges faced by humanitarian workers in Gaza as they try to provide aid in the midst of the ongoing conflict. UNRWA, which nor...
23 Jan
Jewish Currents The “Postcolonial” Colonization of Kashmir - In a new book, historian Hafsa Kanjwal charts India’s decades-long consolidation of power in the occupied region. 22 Jan
In her book "Colonizing Kashmir: State-Building Under Indian Occupation," historian Hafsa Kanjwal argues that India has maintained an occupation in Kashmir s...
22 Jan
Jewish Currents Regional War: An Explainer - Answers to common questions about the broadening war in the Middle East. 17 Jan
The article discusses the current state of the broadening war in the Middle East. It mentions that the US and British air forces have bombed areas in Yemen i...
17 Jan
Jewish Currents The Work of the Witness - Three months into a livestreamed genocide, we must ask—what does all this looking do? 12 Jan
The article examines the concept of witnessing in the context of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The author explores the idea of "witness" in both ...
12 Jan
Jewish Currents Israel's Defense - 10 Jan
In this essay, Yoram Hazony argues that Israel serves as a model for nationalist movements around the world, despite its illiberal tendencies. While many ass...
10 Jan
Jewish Currents “Not a Day Goes by Where I Don’t Think About Leaving” - Two Biden administration staffers describe growing internal dissent over the US’s refusal to call for a ceasefire in Gaza. 9 Jan
There is growing internal dissent within the Biden administration over the US's unconditional support for Israel's assault on Gaza. Thousands of officials ha...
9 Jan
Jewish Currents The Epidemiological War on Gaza - Disease is poised to become an even deadlier second front in Israel’s assault on the besieged Strip. 5 Jan
The ongoing assault on Gaza by Israel not only has devastating effects in terms of physical destruction but also poses a significant threat to public health....
5 Jan
Jewish Currents Top Executive Leaves ADL Over CEO’s Praise of Elon Musk - Yaël Eisenstat’s departure is the most prominent instance of post-October 7th dissent within the organization. 3 Jan
Yal Eisenstat, a top executive at the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), has left the organization due to disagreements with CEO Jonathan Greenblatt. Eisenstat cr...
3 Jan
Jewish Currents “A Day in the Life of Abed Salama” After October 7th - Nathan Thrall on his new book and the escalating repression of pro-Palestine speech. 19 Dec 2023
Nathan Thrall's new book, "A Day in the Life of Abed Salama," tells the story of a deadly crash in the West Bank that resulted from the architecture of occup...
19 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents Democrats Slam Lack of Congressional Oversight on Israel Arms Sale - Despite its stated concern about the civilian toll in Gaza, the Biden administration is using emergency powers to expedite weapons transfers to Israel. 14 Dec 2023
The Biden administration has invoked emergency powers to expedite the sale of tank shells to Israel, bypassing Congressional review. This decision has drawn ...
14 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents Israel’s “Humanitarian” Expulsion - The Israeli right is capitalizing on the aftermath of October 7th to build support for a permanent transfer of Palestinians out of Gaza. 12 Dec 2023
Israeli lawmakers from the ruling Likud party and the liberal opposition Yesh Atid party have authored an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal advocating for the...
12 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents The Luminous Dark - How can we understand Hanukkah in a way that rejects colonial conceptions of light and dark? 12 Dec 2023
Hanukkah is typically understood as a holiday about light conquering darkness. However, the binary of light as good and darkness as chaotic and evil is a col...
12 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents Harvard Is Ignoring Its Own Antisemitism Experts - The university’s new advisory group on antisemitism elevates political concerns over academic integrity. 11 Dec 2023
Harvard University has been facing pressure from alumni and donors to address antisemitism on campus. The university's new advisory group on antisemitism, fo...
11 Dec 2023
Jewish Currents Progressive Zionists Choose a Side - In attending the November 14th March for Israel and refusing to call for a ceasefire, many progressive Jewish groups have cast their lot with the Jewish mainstream. 8 Dec 2023
Progressive Jewish groups, including J Street and Truah, attended a March for Israel on November 14th and refused to call for a ceasefire, aligning themselve...
8 Dec 2023