Tag: Israeli Elections

Eli Kowaz and Michael Koplow discuss Ayelet Shaked's return to lead the New Right party and other current Israeli election updates.
In this podcast episode, Eli Kowaz discusses the Trump administration's workshop in Bahrain with Joel Braunold from ALLMEP, focusing on its implications.
In a recent episode of AJC Passport, Dr. James Carafano from The Heritage Foundation discussed U.S. foreign policy under President Trump, covering topics like immigration reform and the Middle East peace process.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Don Futterman, and Noah Efron discuss the financial implications of new elections in Israel, the rise of Israeli conservatism influenced by Reagan-Thatcher policies within Modern Orthodoxy, and the call for non-religious political activism among Israeli Jews.
Dr. Dahlia Scheindlin, a policy analyst and public opinion expert, shares insights on Israeli elections in a recent podcast episode by Israel Policy Pod.
In this episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman explore whether Israeli youth are truly more right-wing than older generations and why that might be the case.
The podcast episode titled "Israel, Illiberal: Is the Jewish State in Democratic Decline?" explores the topic of whether Israel is moving towards illiberalism.
In this podcast episode, Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Don Futterman discuss the near-war situation with Gaza leading up to elections, reflect on the intense Israeli election campaigns, and ponder why pride is associated with the Right and shame with the Left in Israel.
In a discussion on potential cyber attacks targeting the Israeli democracy, experts Eli Bahar and Ron Shamir address the recent hacking of Benny Gantz's cellphone in the context of the Israeli elections.
Iran reportedly hacked Benny Gantz's cellphone during the Israeli elections, though it did not significantly impact the democratic process.
Allison Kaplan Sommer, Noah Efron, and Miriam Herschlag from Times of Israel discuss the ban on parties spreading hate in elections in Israel, the rise of a libertarian party advocating for weed legalization and annexation, the popularity of the Burning Man festival in Israel known as Midburn, and the lack of concern in Israel over Ilhan Omar's criticism of Israel.
David A. Halperin and Michael Koplow analyze the potential effects of the Trump administration's proposed "Ultimate Deal" on Israeli elections.
Eli Kowaz and Tal Shalev from Walla News delve into the upcoming Israeli elections, focusing on the pivotal week leading to the party list registration deadline on Thursday.
In episode 164 of Unorthodox, the podcast covers topics such as early elections in Israel, bat mitzvah experiences, and a Tel Aviv listener meetup.
Eli's recent podcast features Walla News Political Correspondent Tal Shalev discussing the upcoming Israeli elections scheduled for April 9th.
A father takes a walk with his 10-year-old daughter in Israel and is surprised by her sudden right-wing views on politics and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, diverging from his own beliefs.
Allison, Don, and Noah address the recent Israeli elections, questioning the true message behind Netanyahu's apparent landslide victory and delving into the role of fear in the campaigns.
The text discusses a special election panel featuring Noah Efron, Debra Kamin, and Gil Troy, focusing on the aftermath of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's narrow victory.
In this episode of 'The Collecting Jews' podcast, hosts Don and Noah, along with guest Judy Maltz, discuss the State Comptroller's report exposing the extravagant spending habits of Israel's first family.
The podcast touches on three main topics: Prime Minister Netanyahu's controversial decision to address the US Congress close to Israeli elections, causing tension with President Obama and domestic political opponents; the discussion around V15, a foreign-funded NGO aiming to remove Netanyahu from office, sparking controversy during election time; and an analysis of the Israeli political party Meretz and its leader Zahava Gal-On's strategies for the upcoming elections.
Allison, Don, and Noah discuss the campaign to have ultra-Orthodox women run in upcoming elections, potentially signaling shifts within the community.
In "The Compost, Computers & Competitors Edition," Allison, Eilon, Don, and Noah cover various topics, including the decline of environmental parties in recent elections, the digital divide in Israel, particularly the Google-gap, and the Labor Party primaries, questioning why Shelly Yacimovich's popularity has waned.