Tag: Jewish Short Fiction

The story "Notes on Jewish Beauty (or: Tamara Herschel)" is about a narrator who frequently goes to a lumberyard to get wood cut.
This fictional story centers around the protagonist's discovery that Raoul Wallenberg, a heroic Swedish diplomat who saved the lives of thousands of Hungarian Jews during WWII, may be alive.
"Mark Gertler in 13 Sketches" is a short fiction story that won first place in the 2006 Moment Magazine-Karma Foundation Short Fiction Contest.
This fiction story tells the tale of Ruben Gedalia Petrofsky, who changed his name to Rudolf G. Peters to fit in with the non-Jewish community.
In "Miruenka Moja" by Kathryn Winter, the protagonist, Teresa, leaves her brother's home to work as a housekeeper for a Jewish couple and their daughter, Mirka.
This story, titled "The Goose Girl," is a fictional tale about a young Jewish girl named Shena Lena.