Tag: Kashruth Council Of Canada

This Passover, the kosher meat at the seder might be different due to changes in how kosher cows are slaughtered in Canada, sparking a legal dispute between kosher certifying bodies and the Canadian government over regulations aimed at improving animal welfare.
Two major kosher certification agencies in Canada, along with a Jewish advocacy group, are suing the Canadian government over regulations regarding animal slaughter that they argue are jeopardizing the kosher meat industry in the country.
Canadian Jewish organizations, including the Kashruth Council of Canada (COR) and the Jewish Community Council in Montreal, are suing the Canadian government over new regulations on kosher slaughter that require stunning animals before slaughter, contrary to Jewish law.
Canadian Jewish groups, including the Council for Israel and Jewish Affairs and two kosher certifiers, are concerned over new regulations in Canada affecting kosher meat production, making it unsustainable.
The Jewish community in Halifax is facing a matzah shortage just before Passover, prompting an emergency message from the Atlantic Jewish Council.
The podcast episode discusses recent kosher controversies, such as non-Orthodox certification, disruptive behaviors at kosher establishments, and scandals involving individuals with kosher certifications.