Tag: Kidnapped

The video discusses the tragic events that occurred in Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7th, where a significant portion of the population was killed or abducted, with Jonathan Dekel-Chen providing insight into the incident.
In 1858, in Bologna, Italy, a six-year-old Jewish boy, Edgardo Mortara, was taken by the Catholic Church after being baptized by the family maid.
In this video, an Israeli correspondent named Ethel Niborski interviews Yitskhak Horn, an Argentinian-born Israeli whose two sons are being held hostage in Gaza.
This article describes a rally in Washington, D.C. to demand the release of 240 hostages, including Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who were abducted by Hamas.
Rachel Goldberg, whose son Hersh Goldberg-Polin was kidnapped by Hamas, has been advocating for the release of her son and other hostages held captive in Gaza.
Israeli-Russian researcher Elizabeth Tsurkov, a PhD candidate at Princeton University, has been kidnapped by the Iranian-backed Shiite militia Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq since March.
The article discusses the recently concluded Cannes Festival and highlights some of the notable films and events that took place.