Tag: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Dr. Jelena Subotic explores Holocaust memory in former communist countries like the former Yugoslavia, shedding light on how the fight against fascism has been downplayed in the anti-communist fervor, potentially paving the way for neo-fascist resurgences.
Dr. Peter Lintl, a researcher at the German think tank SWP, analyzes Israeli political trends for the German policy community, touching on topics like the Nation-State Law and Israeli democracy.
Dr. Peter Lintl from a German think tank analyzes Israeli political trends for the German policy community, focusing on topics like the Nation-State Law and Israeli democracy within the context of Israel-Germany relations and Israel-EU relations.
Palestinian professor Mohammed Dajani emphasizes the importance of teaching his students about the Holocaust, sharing insights gained from trips to Auschwitz and promoting moderation through his movement Wasatia in Islam.
Yuli Tamir, a scholar, peace activist, and former government minister, presents the idea of a liberal form of nationalism in her book "Why Nationalism."
Yuli Tamir, a scholar and former government minister, presents a case for liberal nationalism in her book "Why Nationalism," challenging the idea that liberalism and nationalism are incompatible.
Constitutions play a crucial role in governing societies and promoting peaceful coexistence.
Hanna Lerner, an expert on constitutions, explores how these foundational documents aim to shape peaceful coexistence in societies by reflecting complex national identities and preventing conflicts.