Tag: Maimonides School

A newly uploaded video recording from 1969 features Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik discussing baaley teshuva, Jews who become observant.
The author discusses the practice of lighting Hanukkah candles in between the prayers of minhah and maariv, as a communal obligation.
In this episode of the 18Forty Podcast, comedian Alex Edelman discusses the role of humor and levity in a world that often demands seriousness, specifically focusing on the upcoming Jewish holiday of Purim.
Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe discusses the prophet Amos's parable in which a famine for the Words of Hashem is described, leading to a thirst for divine teachings.
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik embarked on a mission to revitalize Jewish education in Boston, particularly through Maimonides School, emphasizing the synthesis of Torah and secular studies.